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by D. Thierry, and it is possible that the imprint follows otherwise the edition of 1673.
Barbier III, 557 [Par Cl. Lancelot, Ant. Arnauld et Pierre Nicole].
This edition not in Quérard.
Jefferson bought a Portroyal Greek grammar, 8vo, from Samuel Henley. This title is in the list appended by Jefferson to his letter to Henley dated from Paris March 3, 1785, and is on the separate list made by Jefferson of the books in this purchase. This may apply to this book, or equally to an English edition by Thomas Nugent, which is listed in Jefferson’s manuscript catalogue, but which was not sold to Congress in 1815.
The authors of this work were Claude Lancelot, 1615-1695, Antoine Arnauld, 1612-1694, and Pierre Nicole, 1625-1695, all followers of the Jansenist movement, and among the most illustrious of the writers of Port Royal. The first edition was published in Paris in 1655.
Gramm. Graeca. Eton. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 165, no. 58, Grammatica Græca, Eton, 8vo.
Graecae Grammatices Rudimenta. In Usum Regiae Scholae Etonesis. [ sic -- Ed. ] Editio nova recognita et aucta. Etonae: Excudebat J. Pote, 1783.
8vo. A copy of this edition was not available for collation. The earliest edition in the Library of Congress is that of 1811, published at Eton by M. Pote and E. Williams.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 3/-.
For a note on Joseph Pote see no. 4365, and for an account of him see Joseph Pote of Eton and Bartlet’s Farriery by R. A. Austen-Leigh. The Eton Greek Grammar was published anonymously. In the London Catalogue of Books from 1700 to 1779 it is entered in the list of schoolbooks in usum Etonensis, price 2/6. The first edition in the catalogue of the Library of the British Museum is that of 1788.
Holmes’s Gr. grammar. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 166, no. 61, Holmes’s Greek Grammar, 8vo.
The Greek Grammar; or, A Short, Plain, Critical, and Comprehensive Method of Teaching and Learning the Greek Tongue . . . The Seventh Edition, Revised and Corrected. London: Printed for L. Hawes, 1771.
8vo. A copy of this edition was not available. The copy in the Library of Congress is of the edition of 1759, of which this is a reprint. 74 leaves; the title of the edition of 1759 is in red and black.
This edition not in Lowndes.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 1/6.
John Holmes, 1704-1760, headmaster of the Holt Grammar School, inscribed the 1759 edition to the Worshipful and present worthy Members of the Court of Assistants of the Right Worshipful Company of Fishmongers (listed), dated from Holt, May 1, 1759. The work is dedicated to Doctors Nicholl, Crump, George, Burton, Criche, Hotchkish, headmasters of Westminster, St. Paul’s, Eton, Winchester, Merchant-Taylor’s and the Charterhouse respectively, and to Dr. Philips, tutor to the Duke of Cumberland, dated from Holt, September 1753. The first edition was printed in 1745.
Devarii de particulis Graecis. 16 s.
1815 Catalogue, page 164, no. 8, as above.
DEVARIUS, Matthaeus.
Matth. Devarii de Particularis Graece Linguae Liber particularis . . . [a Petro Devario editus.] Amstelaedami: apud J. Wolters, 1700.

Volume V : page 68

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