Volume V : page 67

prendre les langues Arabe, Persane et Turque, avec des caractères Européens; Par C.--F. Volney . . . A Paris: de l’Imprimerie de la République. An III. [1795.]
PJ735 .V6
First Edition. 8vo. 72 leaves including the half-title, 4 leaves of Tables inserted, 2 folded; Proverbes Arabes at the end, with the Arabic on the verso of each leaf, and the transliteration into roman letters and the French translation on the opposite pages.
Quérard X, 274.
Constantin François Chasseboeuf, Comte de Volney, 1757-1820, a friend of Jefferson. For other works by him in this Catalogue, see the Index.
Sennarti Chaldaismus et Syriasmus p 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 167, no. 54, as above.
SENNERT, Andreas.
Chaldaismus & Syriasmus: hoc est, Præcepta Utriusqve Lingvæ, In harmoniâ ad Ebræa, eadem(`q); Universalia, (ipsa antehac edita illa ab autore seorsum & vice tertiâ) conscripta, exemplis item(´q); sufficientibus è Daniele, Esrâ & N. Testamento Syro confirmata illustrata(´q); Accessit in fine Lexici Utriusqve Lingvæ Compendium, Radicum & Vocum qvarumcunqve notabiliorum ex iisdem Daniele, Esrâ novo(´q); Testamento Syro, &c. Autore Andrea Sennerto, P. P. in Academ. Witteberg. Wittebergæ: typis & sumptibus J. W. Fincelianus, anno 1651.
First Edition. 4to. 82 leaves; a copy of this edition was not available; the above title is taken from the edition of 1666, a reprint of that of 1651, with the addition of the words Editio altera on the title-page.
Not in Graesse.
Not in Ebert.
Andreas Sennert, 1606-1689, German Oriental scholar, was born in Wittenberg, at which Academy he eventually held the chair of Oriental languages.
[Spinosae Grammatica Hebraica in oper. posthumis.]
1815 Catalogue, page 167, unnumbered, [Spinosæ Grammatica Hebraica, in Operibus Posthumis].
For Jefferson’s copy of this work, see no. 1267.
Portroyal Greek grammar. Fr. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 167, no. 56, as above.
[LANCELOT, Claude, and others.]
Novvelle Methode povr Apprendre Facilement la Langve Greqve: Contenant les Regles des Declinaisons, des Conjugaisons, de l’Investigation du Theme, de la Syntaxe, de la Quantité, des Accens, des Dialectes, & des Licences poëtiques. Mises en François, dans vn ordre tres-clair & tres-abregé. Avec vn grand nombre de Remarques tres-solides & tres-necessaires pour la parfaite connoissance de cette langue, & pour l’intelligence de ses Auteurs. Nouvelle Edition de beaucoup augmentée. A Paris: D. Thierry, 1682.
8vo. 322 leaves. A copy of the edition of 1682 was not available. The above title was taken from the edition of 1673 in the Library of Congress, of which the 1682 edition is a reprint. The 1673 edition was printed by Pierre le Petit, has the date in roman numerals, followed by Avec Privilege de Sa Majesté. The 1682 edition was printed

Volume V : page 67

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