Volume V : page 44

Chapter XLII



Jones Poese s [ i.e.Poeseωs”-- Ed.] Asiaticae commentaria. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 161, no. 7, Jones Poeseos Asiaticœ Commentaria, 8vo.
JONES, Sir William.
Poeseos Asiaticæ Commentariorum Libri Sex, cum Appendice; Subjicitur Limon, seu Miscellaneorum Liber: auctore Gulielmo Jones, A. M. Collegii Universitatis in Academiâ Oxoniensi, & Societatum Regiarum Londinensis atque Hasniensis, Socio. Londini: E Typographeo Richardsoniano, Veneunt apud T. Cadell, in vico qui dicitur The Strand, m dcc lxxiv . [1774]
PJ827 .J6
First Edition. 8vo. 290 leaves, the last with the list of errata; 3 engraved plates, the first by Bayly with an Ode Sinica Antiquissima, the second unsigned showing Versus Arabici, the third by Bayly headed Carmen Persicum; Arabic, Persian, Greek, Hebrew and other letters in the text.
Lowndes III, 1229.
A copy, unbound, was acquired by Jeferson with his purchase of the books from the library of the Rev. Samuel Henley. It is in the list appended by Jefferson to his letter to Henley dated from Paris March 3, 1785, and is in the separate list of the books in this purchase made by Jefferson.
This copy is described as unbound in both lists. More than twenty years later, on June 30, 1807, the binding bill of John March, includes an entry “ Posis Asiatica, 1 vol. 8vo., bound in calf, gilt, price 1 dollar.”
Sir William Jones, 1746-1794, English Oriental scholar, published this work in the year that he was called to the Bar at the Middle Temple. It was suggested by Lowth’s Praelections on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews [see no. 4710], and established Jones’s reputation as an Oriental scholar. For other works by him see the Index.
Lowth de Poesi Hebraeorum. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 161, no. 8, as above.
LOWTH, Robert.
De Sacra Poesi Hebræorum. Praelectiones Academicæ Oxonii habitæ a Roberto Lowth . . . Subjicitur metricae Harianæ brevis confutatio et oratio Crewiana. Editio Altera emendatior. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendiano, 1763.
8vo. 264 pages; a copy of this edition was not available for examination.
Lowndes III, 1406.
Robert Lowth, 1710-1787, English divine. In 1741 he was appointed professor of poetry at Oxford and delivered a course of lectures on Hebrew poetry. The first edition of his work was published in 1753. Later he became Bishop of Oxford and in 1777 was translated to the See of London.
Francis Hare, 1671-1740, Bishop of Chichester, had published in 1736 an edition of the Psalms in Hebrew, and his theory of Hebrew versification was confuted by Lowth.

Volume V : page 44

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