Volume V : page 163
8vo. A copy was not available for collation. The work contains Excerpta Historica, Rhetorica, Philosophica, Critica and Miscellanea, in Greek letter, followed by Notæ Philologicæ.
This edition not in Lowndes.
Edinburgh University Library Catalogue I, 947.
Advocates’ Library Catalogue II, 500.
This and the next following work were evidently sent to Jefferson by the author. They were both originally entered by him among the Greek textbooks of the previous chapter, and afterwards erased, but with the phrase [ from the author] clearly written beside each entry.
For a note on Dalzel, see the next number. A second part of the Collectanea Græca was issued in 1802.
Collectanea Graeca minora. Dalzell. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 169, no. 12, Collectanea Græca Minora, Dalzell, 8vo.
DALZEL, Andrew.
Αναλεκτα ‛Ελληνικα ‛Ησσονα Sive Collectanea Græca Minora: cum Notis Philologicis, atque Parvo Lexico: ad usum Tironum accommodata. Edinburgi: Excudebant Adamus Neill cum Sociis. Veneunt ibidem, Apud Bell et Bradfute, et Jacobum Dickson, m dcc lxxxvii . [1787.]
First Edition. 8vo. A copy was not located for collation. The title as above is taken from the second edition, 1791, a copy of which is in the Library of Congress, and in which the Edinburgh imprint is followed by Londini: Apud Joannem Murray, in Fleetstreet. The second edition is in 3 parts, with separate signatures and pagination, 56, 44 and 48 leaves. The first part contains the Excerpta ex Prosæ Scriptoribus followed by the Excerpta ex Pœtis; the excerpts are entirely in Greek letter. The remaining parts contain the Notæ and the Parvum Lexicon Vocabula exhibens quæ in Miscellaneis Græcis Minoribus occurrunt (in double columns, unnumbered).
This edition not in Lowndes.
Edinburgh University Library Catalogue I, 947.
Advocates’ Library Catalogue II, 500.
Andrew Dalzel, 1742-1806, Scots classical scholar, was one of the founders of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He was associated with Edinburgh University for a number of years, holding the office of librarian and professor of Greek. This work and the Collectanea Græca Majora were compiled for the benefit of his own pupils, but were frequently reprinted both in the British Isles and in the United States and used in schools in both countries.
Cassiodori opera. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 169, no. 10, as above.
CASSIODORUS, Flavius Magnus Aurelius.
M. Avrelii Cassiodori Senatoris V. C. Opera omnia qvæ exstant ex fide manuscriptorum auctiora & locupletiora. Collatis etiam exemplaribus tam veteribus, quàm recèns editis. Cvm indice rervm et sententiarum scitu notatúmque digniorum . . . Avreliæ Allobrogvm: sumptibus P. et J. Chouet, 1609.
8vo. 763 leaves, plus preliminary matter and an Index. A copy was not available for examination. The information was obtained from the card in the National Union catalog, and the Catalogue of the Bibliothèque Nationale.
This edition not in Brunet, Graesse or Ebert.
Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus, c. 490-585, Italian (Bruttian) historian, statesman and monk.
Pierre La Brosse [Petrus Brosseus], fl. 1590, was the editor of this edition.
Volume V : page 163
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