Volume V : page 135

of every Syllable distinctly shown, but, where Words are subject to different Pronunciations, the Authorities of our best Pronouncing Dictionaries are fully exhibited, the reasons for each are at large displayed, and the preferable Pronunciation is pointed out. To which are prefixed, Principles of English Pronunciation: in which The Sounds of Letters, Syllables, and Words, are critically investigated, and systematically arranged; the Influence of the Greek and Latin accent and Quantity, on the Accent and Quantity of the English, is thoroughly examined, and clearly defined; and the Analogies of the Language are so fully shown, as to lay the Foundation of a consistent and rational Pronunciation. Likewise, Rules to be observed by the Natives of Scotland, Ireland, and London, for avoiding their respective Peculiarities; and Directions to Foreigners, for acquiring a Knowledge of the Use of this Dictionary. The whole interspersed with Observations, Etymological, Critical, and Grammatical. By John Walker, Author of Elements of Elocution, Rhyming Dictionary, &c. &c. . . . First American Edition. Philadelphia: Printed by Budd and Bartram, For H. & P. Rice, M. Carey, J. Conrad & Co. S. F. Bradford, Thos. & Wm. Bradford, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, J. & J. Crukshank, J. M’Culloch, H. Sweitzer, W. Woodhouse, D. Hogan, J. Thackara, J. Groff, J. Morgan, J. Humphreys, and J. Ormrod. 1803.
PE1620 .W3 1803
8vo. in fours, 590 leaves, text of the Dictionary in double columns.
This edition not in Lowndes.
Not in Sabin.
Jefferson bought a copy of this work from Joseph Milligan, price $ 3.50 , on July 31, 1815, before the delivery of his books to Congress after the sale. Milligan had procured the book in May from W. F. Gray of Fredericksburg. This may have been for Jefferson’s own use, or it may have been a replacement copy for a missing book, of which quite a number were procured by Milligan.
On July 20, 1806, J. Osborne of New York sent to Jefferson a printed Prospectus dated May 1806, of a new edition to be printed by Samuel Stansbury, J. and T. Ronalds, J. Osborn and George P. Hopkins, and requesting Jefferson’s name as a subscriber. Jefferson seems not to have subscribed.
John Walker, 1732-1807, English actor and lexicographer, first published his dictionary in 1791; it was frequently reprinted.
Bible in Irish. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 168, no. 47, The Bible, in Irish, 12mo.
BIBLE. Irish .
An Biobla Naomhtha, iona bhfuil Leabhair na Seintiomna ar na ttarruing as an Eabhra go Goidheilg tré chúram éagus dhúthrachd an Doctuir, Villiam Bedel, Roimhe so Easbug Chille móire a Néirinn: agus Na Tiomna Nuaidhe, ar na ttabhairt go fírinneach as Greigis go Goidheilg, re Villiam O Domhnuill. Noch atá anois chum maitheas coitcheann na nGaóidheail Albanach, áthruighte go haireach as an litir Eíreandha chum na mion-litre shoi-léighidh Romhanta; Maille re Suim agus brígh na Ccaibidleach ós a ccionn, a nTiodaluibh aithghearr; Re claraibh fós,

Volume V : page 135

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