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Française and of the Académie de Besançon, the author of the Remarques sur la Langue Françoise included in this work. This is in three parts: Prosodie Françoise, Essais de Grammaire, and Remarques sur Racine, first published in 1738.
Synonimes de Diderot Dalembert et Jaucourt. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 167, no. 30, as above.
DIDEROT, Denis [and others].
Synonymes Français, par Diderot, d’Alembert, et de Jaucourt, suivis d’une Table Alphabétique, dans laquelle on trouve les Renvois des Différentes Significations qui conviennent à chaque Synonyme. Paris: Favre, an IX [1801.]
First Edition. 12mo. 222 leaves. A copy was not available for examination. The above title is taken from the card of the New York Public Library in the National Union Catalog.
Quérard II, 144.
This work was edited by Jean Chas, who sent a copy to Jefferson at the same time that he sent his Histoire Politique et Philosophique de la Revolution de l’Amérique Septentrionale [no. 485]. At the end of the letter concerning that work, dated from Paris March 1, 1801 (received by Jefferson in Washington on August 6), Chas wrote: “je vous prie, monsieur, le président d’accepter un exemplaire des synonimes de d’alembert, de diderot et de jaucort dont je suis l’editeur, et de mon ouvrage sur bonaparte.”
On September 3 Jefferson wrote from Monticello to Chas in Paris: “ I have safely recieved the copy of your history of the American revolution, of your smaller work on the Premier Consul of France, & of the Synonimes of Dalembert, Diderot & Jaucourt which you have been pleased to send me, and for which accept my respectful thanks, & the assurances of my sensibility at this mark of attention . . .
For the smaller work on the Premier Consul of France, see no. 2860.
Denis Diderot, 1713-1748. For other works by him in this Catalogue, see the Index.
Jean le Rond d’Alembert, 1717-1783, French mathematician and philosopher, was associated with Diderot in the preparation of the Dictionnaire Encyclopédique , q.v.
Le Chevalier Louis Jaucourt, 1704-1779, French scholar, philosopher and scientist, was also one of the editors of the Dictionnaire Encyclopédique.
Nugent’s pocket dict. Fr. & Eng. and Eng. Fr. 16. London. Ed. & C. Dilly 1774.
1815 Catalogue, page 166, no. 26, Nugent’s Pocket Dict. Fr. Eng. 16s.
NUGENT, Thomas.
New Pocket Dictionary of the French and English Languages. Second edition with Additions by J. S. Charrier. London: E. and C. Dilly, 1774.
2 parts in 1. 12mo. A copy of this edition was not located. The imprint and date are supplied by Jefferson only in his manuscript catalogue. The Library of Congress catlaogues of 1839 and later call for the second part only.
Watt II, 713.
Thomas Nugent, 1700?-1772, Irish miscellaneous writer. The first edition of his French and English dictionary was published in 1767 in quarto.
J. Samuel Charrier, educationalist, teacher of Geography and the French language.

Volume V : page 109

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