Volume V : page 108

J. 98
Pronouncing dict. Tardy. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 167, no. 28, Pronouncing Dictionary, by Tardy, 12mo.
TARDY, Abbé.
An Explanatory Pronouncing Dictionary of the French Language, (in French and English); wherein the exact Sound and Articulation of every Syllable are distinctly marked (according to the Method adopted by Mr. Walker, in his Pronouncing Dictionary). To which are prefixed, the Principles of the French Pronunciation; Prefatory Directions for using the Spelling Representative of every Sound; and the Conjugation of the Verbs, Regular, Irregular, and Defective, with their true Pronuncation. By l’Abbe Tardy, late Master of Arts in the University of Paris. London: printed for the Author; and W. Clarke, sold by L’Homme, Deboffe, Dulau and Co. [and others], 1799.
PC2640 .T3
Sm. 8vo. 182 leaves, the last with W. Clarke’s advertisement. The dedication to the Honourable and Right Reverend Shute, Lord Bishop of Durham, dated from London, Feb. 15, 1799, and signed L’Abbé Tardy.
This edition not in Quérard.
Not in Lowndes.
Rebound in brown morocco by the Library of Congress in 1953; title defective. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T.
Purchased by Jefferson from J. P. Reibelt, Baltimore, on February 18, 1805, price $ 1.95.
This appears to be the first edition though Quérard dates the book 1790, with the explanation that the abbé Tardy was in London at the time.
This is the only book from Jefferson’s library in this chapter which has survived.
Synonimes Francois de Girard. 2. v. 12 mo. 1781.
1815 Catalogue, page 167, no. 31, Synonimes Francois de Girard, 2 v 12. [ sic -- Ed. ]
GIRARD, Gabriel.
Synonymes François, leurs Différentes Significations, et le Choix qu’il en faut faire pour parler avec justesse; Par M. l’Abbé Girard, de l’Académie Françoise, Secrétaire-Interprète du Roi. Nouvelle Édition. Considérablement augmentée, mise dans un nouvel ordre, & enrichie de notes; Par M. Beauzée, de l’Académie della Crusca, des Académies royales de Rouen & de Metz; des Sociétés littéraires d’Arras & d’Auxerre, Professeur de Grammaire à l’Ecole Royale Militaire; Suivie de la Prosodie Françoise, Edition de 1767, & des Essais de Grammaire, par M. l’Abbé d’Olivet. Tome Premier. [-Second]. A Rouen: Chez la Veuve de Pierre Dumesnil, rue Poterne. Labbey, près le Collége. m. dcc. lxxxi . [1781.]
PC2591 .A2 G5
2 vol. 12mo. Vol. I. 188 leaves, Vol. II. 322 leaves, title on Q 10 for Remarques sur la Langue Françoise Par M. l’Abbé d’Olivet, with the same imprint, continuous signatures and pagination, half-title in both volumes. The last sheet contains Réponse de M. de Voltaire à M. l’Abbé d’Olivet, sur la nouvelle édition de la Prosodie.
This edition not in Quérard and not in Ebert.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue (with the edition of 1781 specified as above), with the price, 5.10.
Gabriel Girard, 1677-1748, French abbé, grammarian and scholar, member of the Académie Française, published the first edition of this work in 1736.
Nicolas Beauzée, 1717-1789, French grammarian and member of the Académie Française, edited the abbé Girard’s work, and added most of the material in the second volume.
Pierre Joseph Thoulier d’Olivet, 1682-1768, French abbé and grammarian, a member of the Académie

Volume V : page 108

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