Volume V : page 10

bookplate of Reuben Skelton in both volumes, and the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate tipped in on to Skelton’s plate in the second volume, absent in the first.
Jean Bernard Le Blanc, 1707-1781, French abbé and author, published these letters in French in 1745 after a visit to England; they were several times reprinted.
J. 24
Lettres de M de. de Sevigné. 8. v. 8 vo. Paris. 1806.
1815 Catalogue, page 154, no. 26, as above, reading Mad. de Sevigny.
SÉVIGNÉ, Marie de Rabutin Chantal, Marquise de.
Lettres de Madame de Sévigné à sa fille et à ses amis; nouvelle édition, mise dans un meilleur ordre, enrichie d’éclaircissemens et de notes historiques . . . par Ph. A. Grouvelle . . . Tome Premier [-Huitieme]. A Paris: chez Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1806.
PQ1925 .A1 1806
8 vol. 8vo. According to Quérard there should be 2 portraits, absent in this copy.
Rebound in half red morocco by the Library of Congress; initialled by Jefferson at sig. i, I and T; a leaf in vol. II misbound; an autograph letter, mounted, inserted at the beginning of vol. I.
Purchased from Roche frères, Philadelphia, in October 1807.
On October 14, 1807, Jefferson wrote to that firm: “ Th: Jefferson salutes Mess r La Roche and if they have a copy of the Lettres de Mad e. de Sevigny he would be glad to recieve them, and that they should comprehend her whole letters. the petit format would be preferred. there was an edition in 10. vols petit format published in Paris in 1803.
Roche frères replied on October 17: ““Nous avons l’honneur de vous prévenir, que conformément à votre lettre qui nous est parvenue hier, nous venons de remettre au stage un paquet de livres à votre adresse qui contient les lettres de M de Sévigné dernière édition de Paris, la plus complete qui ait encore paru. huit vols. 8 vo. reliés fil. d’or prix 22$

"N’ayant pas en magasin l’édition en 10 vols. petit format, que vous paroissez désirez de préference, nous nous sommes décidés à vous envoyer la seule que nous ayions, Paris 1806 qui est sans contredit la plus estimée & la plus complète . . .”
Jefferson had bought an earlier edition in 9 volumes from Froullé in Paris on March 26, 1789, price 18 (francs).
Marie de Rabutin Chantal, Marquise de Sévigné, 1626-1696.
This edition by Philippe Antoine Grouvelle, 1758-1806, is the first in which the letters were arranged in alphabetical order.
J. 25
Oeuvres de Voiture. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 154, no. 16, as above.
VOITURE, Vincent.
Recueil des Œuvres de Monsieur de Voiture Premier [-II.] Partie. A Brusselles: chez Lambert Marchant, m. dc. xcv . [1695.]
PQ1935 .V6 1695
12mo. 2 parts in 1, 242 and 187 leaves, engraved frontispiece and portrait by H. Causé.
This edition not in Quérard.
Old calf, repaired, with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate preserved, engraved frontispiece and printed title backed. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. On an original fly-leaf at the beginning, in a 17th century hand: M r John Murray second son to y e Earle of Dunmore, ppad 5/ s , and the armorial bookplate of Murray Earl of Dunmore cut round and pasted down. At the foot of the first title the signature C Dunmore.
Vincent Voiture, 1598-1648, French poet and letter writer, was one of the earliest académiciens.

Volume V : page 10

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