Volume I : page 70

Galerie des hommes illustres de la Platiere. 4. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 10. no. 141, as above.
LA PLATIÈRE, Sulpice Imbert, comte de.
Galerie universelle des hommes qui se sont illustres dans l’empire des lettres depuis le siècle de Léon X. jusqu’à nos jours . . . ornée de leur portraits. Paris: Bailly, 1787-8.
Second Edition. 4 vol. 4to. No copy of this work has been located for collation. It was issued over a period of years, the complete work having seventy-eight cahiers, each with a portrait. The work was originally issued anonymously par une société de gens de lettres, but the second edition is signed by le Cte. de la Platière.
Quérard IV, page 179.
Jefferson was one of the original subscribers to this work. In an undated letter, probably written about 1788, La Platière wrote to him: “L’Histoire Générale des femmes des matieres les plus inconnues Doit naturellement servir de Suite à la Galerie universelle des hommes célèbres [ sic ] que vous avez bien voulu honorer de votre souscription . . .”
This work is listed without price on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue.
Sulpice Imbert, comte de la Platière, fl. 1788, French soldier, author and artist.
Dictionnaire de diplomatique par Dom de Vaynes. 2. v. 8 vo
1815 Catalogue, page 10. no. 92, as above.
VAINES, François Jean de.
Dictionnaire Raisonné de Diplomatique, contenant les regles principales & essentielles pour servir à déchiffrer les anciens Titres, Diplomes & Monuments, ainsi qu’à justifier de leur date & de leur authenticité. On y a joint des Planches rédigées aussi par ordre alphabétique & revues avec le plus grand soin, avec des explications à chacune, pour aider également à connoître les caracteres & écritures des différentes âges & de différentes nations. Par Dom de Vaines, Religieux Bénédictin de la Congrégation de S. Maur. Tome Premier [-Second]. Paris: chez Humbolt [De l’imprimerie de Didot], 1774.
CD40 .V14
First Edition. Second issue. 2 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, 286 leaves, 25 engraved plates; vol. II, 244 leaves, 26 engraved plates, printer’s imprint at the end. The first issue has Lacombe’s name in the imprint, and vol. I. dated 1773; this issue has a cancel slip with Humbolt’s imprint pasted over that of Lacombe.
Brunet V, page 1028.
Quérard X, page 9.
Robert, Supplement a l’Histoire littéraire de la Congregation de Saint Maur, page 93.
De Lama 644.
Entered on Jefferson’s manuscript catalogue, price 15.
The copy bought by Jefferson from Pougens, June 8, 1803, at the same price (reduced for him from 18) was intended for the Library of Congress.
François Jean de Vaines, fl. 1753-1790. A Parisian by birth, de Vaines made profession at Saint Faron de Meaux in 1753 at the age of nineteen, and is known to have been living in April 1790.
the Chronologist of the war of 1789-96. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 14. no. 4, as above.
The Chronologist of the Present War; or general historical and political register. Containing a faithful series of the events which have occurred in Europe, &c. from the commencement of the French Revolution, to the end of the year 1796, including a space of nearly seven years . . . Chronology, one of the Eyes of History.

Volume I : page 70

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