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2 vol. 4to., with continuous signatures and pagination; vol. I, 286 leaves, ending on sig. Ttt 3; engraved headpiece by I. Wandelaar; vol. II, 261 leaves; titles printed in red and black, with engraved vignettes by B. Benarts after G. Rademaker; engraved initial S with 3 crowns at the beginning of the dedication to George I. Text in long lines, notes in double columns.
Quérard III, 491.
Van der Aa II, 108.
Meulen, page 20, no. 73.
Contemporary calf with a chiffre in gilt in the compartments on the back (2 Ls interlaced, crowned, ?Saint-Simon), and with the signature Lucius Tours at the head of the dedication. Initialled by Jefferson in both volumes; with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplates.
Jean Barbeyrac, 1674-1741, French jurist. The first edition of this translation was published in 1719.
J. 142
Puffendorf. Droit de la nature et des gens. notes de Barbeyrac. Lond. 1740. 3. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 61. no. 39, Puffendorf, Droit des Gens, de Barbeyrac, 3 v 4to.
von PUFENDORF, Samuel, Freiherr.--BARBEYRAC, Jean.
Le Droit de la nature et des gens, ou systeme general des principes les plus importans de la morale, de la jurisprudence, et de la politique. Par le Baron de Pufendorf, traduit de Latin par Jean Barbeyrac . . . Avec des notes du Traducteur; & une Préface, qui sert d’Introduction à tout l’ouvrage. Nouvelle Edition, revûë de nouveau, & augmentée considérablement. Tome Premier. [-Troisième.] A Londres: chez Jean Nours, 1740.
JX2136 .F5
3 vol. 4to. Vol. I, 274 leaves, engraved portrait of Barbeyrac by Petit as frontispiece, and of Pufendorf before the text; vol. II, 290 leaves; vol. III, 274 leaves; titles printed in red and black, some leaves water stained and discolored.
Quérard VII, 371.
French marbled calf, gilt backs, marbled endpapers, r.e., blue silk bookmarks. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate (on the fly-leaves in vol. II and III).
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 27.0.
See the note to Grotius, no. 1404 above. Jefferson’s quotation is a literal translation from the text of this edition, and differs entirely from Kennett’s translation (see the next number).
Samuel Pufendorf [Freiherr Von Pufendorf], 1632-1694, German jurist and historian. The original edition of De jure naturae et gentium was published in 1672. The first edition of Barbeyrac’s translation, on the notes of which his fame chiefly rests, was published in 1706, and the work was frequently reprinted.
J. 143
id. Eng. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 61. no. 47, Puffendorf, Droit des Gens, Eng. fol.
von PUFENDORF, Samuel, Freiherr.
The Law of Nature and Nations; or, a General System of the most important Principles of Morality, Jurisprudence, and Politics. In Eight Books. Written in Latin by the late Baron Pufendorf, Counsellor of State to his late Swedish Majesty, and the late King of Prussia. Done into English by Basil Kennet, D.D. sometime President of Corpus Christi College in Oxford. To which is prefix’d, M. Barbeyrac’s Prefatory Discourse . . . Done into English by Mr. Carew, of Lincoln’s-Inn. To which are now added, all the large Notes of M. Barbeyrac, translated from his fourth and last Edition. Together with large Tables to the

Volume II : page 69

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