Volume I : page 69

chronologiques pour réduire en Corps d’Histoire les Articles répandus dans ce Dictionnaire. Par une Société de Gens-de-Lettres. Septième Édition, revue, corrigée, & considérablement augmentée . . . Tome I er [-IX]. A Caen: chez G. Leroy; A Lyon: chez Bruyset, Freres, 1789.
CT142 .C5
9 vol. 8vo. vol. I, 388 leaves; vol. II, 354 leaves; vol. III, 390 leaves; vol. IV, 361 leaves; vol. V, 306 leaves; vol. VI, 321 leaves; col. VII, 270 leaves; vol. VIII, 303 leaves; vol. IX, 269 leaves.
Barbier III, 499.
Quérard II, page 158.
Jefferson ordered a copy of this edition for the Library of Congress from Charles Pougens of Paris, who, in a letter dated June 9, 1803, included it in a list of articles demandés par Mr. Jefferson et qu’on n’a pu encore trouver with the notation that “ On reimprime cet ouvrage a Lyon en 12 vol. 8 o
The edition in 9 volumes is entered without price, in Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue.
Louis Mayeul Chaudon, 1737-1817, French abbé, man of letters, and bio-bibliographer. The first edition of this work was printed in Avignon in 1766, and was intended to supersede Ladvocat’s abridgment of Moreri’s Dictionary (see no. 146). The seventh edition described above was the last of which Chaudon was the sole editor. According to Quérard it should have a supplement in four volumes.
Dictionnaire des hommes marquans de la fin du 18 me siecle , 2. to. in 1. vol. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 10. no. 91, as above but omitting 2. to. in 1. vol.
[COIFFIER DE VERSEUX, Henri Louis, baron.]
Dictionnaire Biographique et Historique des Hommes Marquans de la Fin du Dix-Huitième Siècle, et plus particulièrement de ceux qui ont figuré dans la Révolution françoise. Suivi d’un supplément et de 4 tableaux des massacres et proscriptions. Rédigé par une Société de Gens de Lettres. Tome Premier [-Troisième]. Londres [ Hambourg], 1800.
First Edition. 3 vol. 8vo. vol. I, 256 leaves; vol. II, 264 leaves; vol. III, 275 leaves; 4 folded printed tables.
Barbier I, 956.
Tourneux IV, 20560.
Graesse II, 386.
This book was in Jefferson’s library before October 22, 1801, when a copy was offered to him by Dufief: “Je viens de recevoir de Londres un ouvrage curieux intitulé “Dictionnaire biographique & historique des hommes marquans de la fin du 18 eme. Siecle & plus particulierement de ceux qui ont figuré dans la Revolution française &c.” Je me propose de le garder quelques tems afin de le lire; ainsi s’il vous interesse il sera a votre disposition: prix six dollars les 3 v. 8 vo. . . .”
Jefferson replied on November 1 that he already owned a copy: “ . . . I have the Dictionnaire des hommes Marquans. judging of it’s merit by turning to the characters I personally know, it is the work of a zealous partisan of the ancien regime. still it is useful to possess . . .
The work was issued in 3 volumes 8vo. as stated by Dufief. Jefferson describes his copy as “ 2 to. in 1 vol.” The 1815 and later Library of Congress catalogues make no mention of the number of volumes, implying that the book was perfect in one volume.
Neither Jefferson nor Dufief suggests the author’s name. The work, formerly ascribed to Dubois de la Maisonfort, is now attributed to Coiffier de Verseux.
The biographies include Sir John Adams [sic], l’un des fondateurs de la rép. américaine and George Washington. There is no biography of Jefferson.

Volume I : page 69

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