Volume I : page 65

Priestly’s description and chart of biography. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 13. no. 88, as above.
A Description of a System of Biography; with a Catalogue of all the Names inserted in it, and the Dates annexed to them . . . By Joseph Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S. A New Edition, with Improvements. Philadelphia: Printed by Akerman & Hancock, for Mathew Carey, 1803.
CT105 .P7 1803
8vo. 31 leaves, 21 folded engraved chronological charts, the first two by Shallus, unnumbered, the remainder unsigned, and numbered 1 to 19.
This edition not in Sabin.
Fulton & Peters, page 7, record two issues of this date printed in Philadelphia.
The charts extend from 4000 B.C. to 1750 A.D.; the last three names are Adam Smith, Sam. Johnson and Barthelemy.
For an edition without the charts see Chap. 1, no. 118.
This book was missing at the time of the sale of the Library to Congress, and a copy was supplied by Milligan at Jefferson’s request, on May 6, 1815 (bought from William F. Gray, Richmond, price $2.00).
The above entry in Jefferson’s catalogue is preceded by an entry for the 12mo. edition already placed by him in chapter 1. See no. 118.
There is a separate listing of this edition in the Library of Congress 1815 catalogue (page 13, no. 2) so it is possible Jefferson had another copy. [No--this would be a 12mo. edition-- Editor]
Priestly’s lectures on history. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 13. no. 87, as above.
Lectures on History, and General Policy; to which is prefixed, an Essay on a Course of Liberal Education for Civil and Active Life. By Joseph Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S. . . . In Two Volumes. Vol. I. [II]. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1793.
D7 .P9
2 vol. 8vo. vol. I, 212 leaves; vol. II, 248 leaves; a folded engraved chart as frontispiece to each volume.
This edition not in Lowndes.
Fulton & Peters, page 13.
The first edition of this work was printed in Birmingham, England, in 1788. The dedication, reprinted in this edition, is dated from Birmingham, Jan. 1, 1788, and addressed to Benjamin Vaughan, to whom these lectures were formerly addressed . . . as a pupil.
Chr. [ sic --should be Car. -- Ed. ] Stephani Dictiona (-r ). Histori (-c ). Geographi (-c ). Poeti (-c ). Lloydii. Oxon. 1671. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 10. no. 160, Car. Stephani Dictionarium Historic, Geographicum, Poeticum, Lloydii, Oxon, 1671, fol.
ESTIENNE, Charles.
Dictionarium Historicum Geographicum, Poeticum, Authore Carolo Stephano . . . Editio Novissima . . . Recensuit, supplevit, locisque penè infinitis emaculavit Nicolavs Lloydivs, Collegii Wadhami in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi Socius . . . Oxonii: excudebat G. H[all] & D[owning], sumptibus Johan. Williams, Georg. West, Amos Curteyne & Johan Crosley, Anno Dom. 1671.
DE5 .E7

Volume I : page 65

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