Volume II : page 54

These tracts were originally bound together for Jefferson in one volume, 8vo., but have since been separated and reclassified. The tracts are entered in the same order in the undated manuscript catalogue.
Swedenbourg du commerce de l’ame et du corps.
i. SWEDENBORG, Emanuel.
Du Commerce de l’Ame et du Corps. Traduit du Latin d’Emmanuel Swedenborg. Par M. P**. A Londres: et se trouve à Paris, chez Barrois l’aîné, Guillot. m.dcc.lxxxv . [1785.]
BX8712 .I62
First Edition of this translation. 12mo. 48 leaves.
Not in Barbier.
Quérard XI, 300.
Hyde, no. 2579.
Emanuel Swedenborg (originally Swedberg), 1688-1772, Swedish scientist, philosopher and mystic. De commercio animae et corporis was originally printed in London, 1769, 4to.
According to Hyde, the translation was made by N. de la Pierre, revised by J. P. Parraud.
Castiglione. l’homme de lettres bon citoyen.
ii. GONZAGA, Luigi, principe di castiglione.
L’Homme de Lettres bon Citoyen; Discours philosophique et politique, de S. A. Dom Louis Gonzague de Castiglione. Avec les Notes de M. l’Abbé Louis Godard. Traduit de l’ Italien, par M. P. . . . [J. P. Parraud.] A Londres: et se trouve à Paris, chez Barrois l’aîné, Guillot. . . . ., m. dcc. lxxxv . [1785.]
PN150 .C3
12mo. 48 leaves; on page 89 begins Examen de l’opinion de Platon . . . Traduit de l’Italien de Benoit Averani .
Quérard III, 408.
Luigi Gonzaga, principe di Castiglione, 1745-1819, Italian philosopher and author. The original Italian edition of this work was published in Rome in 1776, and the first edition of Parraud’s translation in Geneva, 1777.
Luigi Godard, 1741-1825, Italian author.
Benedetto Averani, 1645-1707, Italian scholar, was professor of Greek and Latin at Pisa.
Lettre sur la censure des Principes de Morale de Mably.
iii. [LAURENT, abbé.]
Lettres sur la Censure des Principes de Morale, de l’Abbé de Mably. [ Paris, 1784.]
BJ1054 .M38 L3
24mo. 24 leaves with sig. A; half-title only, no title-page; the last letter dated at the end premier Juillet 1784.
Barbier II, 1294.
Gabriel Bonnot de Mably, 1709-1785. The Principes de Morale was published in 1784, and censured by the Sorbonne.
The Abbé Laurent, d. 1819, Parisian curé.
Problema. Invenire modum lites forenses minuendi.
iv. [WINDISCH-GRÄTZ, Joseph Niklas.
Ad lectorem. Vienne, 1785.]

Volume II : page 54

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