Volume I : page 52

Apophthegmata. Graeca. Latina. Ital. Gall. Hispan. Tunningii. 8 vo. small .
1815 Catalogue, page 3. no. 44, as above, but with the reading p 8vo.
TUNINGIUS, Gerardus.
Apophthegmata Græca, Latina, Italica, Gallica, Hispanica; collecta à Gerærdo Tvningio Leidensi, I. C. [ Antwerp:] Ex officina Plantiniana Raphelengii, cIc. [ sic ] Iɔ. cIx. [ 1609.]
PN6299 .T8
First Edition. 8vo. 296 leaves, the Plantin compass device on the title (Haeghen no. 38).
Graesse I, page 167.
Not in Ebert.
Van der Aa XVIII, 244.
Original vellum. Jefferson has written his initial T before sig. ii, and placed a period after the first i. An old slip of paper with the word Britannica written by Jefferson has been torn from a larger piece and used as a bookmark. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Ordered with other books by Jefferson from Armand Koenig of Strassburg on June 29, 1789: “ Apophthegmata Gr. Lat. Ital. Gall. Hisp. Tuningii. 8vo. 1609. Antw 1’’ 16.” Koenig wrote on July 8 to report he had sent the books, and enclosed his bill. With regard to this item he noted that “ Le prix de 36 s. dans le catalogue est une erreur, il doit etre de 3.”
The book was billed at £ 3. It is entered without price on Jefferson’s undated catalogue.
Gerardus Tuningius (van Tuningen), 1566-1610, Dutch scholar. At the beginning of each part of this work are complimentary verses to him by various poets and scholars written in the languages listed in the title.
Lycosthenis Apophthegmata. 2. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 6. no. 43, as above.
[ Apophthegmata ex probatis Græcae, Latinæqve lingvæ scriptoribus. A Conrado Lycosthene collecta, & per locos communes, juxta Alphabeti seriem digesta. Postremâ hac editione diligenter recognita, & ab innumeris erroribus expurgatâ, plurimisque centuriis quæ in alteram literam designatæ sunt, locupletata. Accesserunt Parabolæ sive similitudines, ab Erasmo ex Plutarcho & aliis olim excerptæ, deinde per Lycosthenem dispositæ, ac nunc primum aliquot Centuriis auctiores editæ. Londini: apud Thomam Harperum, pro Societate Stationariorum, 1635.]
1 vol. bound in 2. 8vo. 410 leaves only, should be 412: A-Z, Aa-Zz, Aaa-Eee 8, Fff 4; this copy lacks the title and A 6; the half-title for Parabolarvm sive Similitvdinvm . . . olim ab Erasmo Roterodamo . . . is on Xx 5. The volume division occurs after sig. Ff.
STC 17004.
Bound for Jefferson in 2 vol., tree calf. Initialled by him at sigs. I and T.
Several early signatures occur: Roger Janion, Anno 1669; Thomas Janion; William Janions booke 1668; in the upper margin of A 3 is written: The gift of Joseph Watkins? [name partly cut away by the binder] to the Library Company March 10th. 1739/40. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Conradus Lycosthenes [i.e. Conrad Wolffhart], 1518-1561, German philologue. The first edition of the Apophthegmata was published in Basle in 1555, and of the Parabolae in the same city in 1557.

Volume I : page 52

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