Volume I : page 51

Van Damme’s bill, June 25, 1788, includes the Amsterdam edition of 1675, price 2.10.
The receipt of the book was acknowledged by Jefferson on June 29.
The Amsterdam edition is entered twice in the undated as in the dated catalogue, the first time in a separate entry, and later with the Venice edition. In the undated catalogue the former entry has the price 2 (livres).
Sextus Julius Frontinus, c. A.D. 40-103, Roman soldier and author, and at one time governor of Britain. The first three books of the Strategematicon contain examples of military strategem [ sic ] from Greek and Roman history for the use of officers. Liber IV is the work of another author.
Historiis antiquis collectanea. Gr. Lat. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 5. no. 97, Historicis antiquis Collectanea, Gr. Lat. 8vo.
UPTON, James.
[ Ποικιλη Ιστορια, sive Novus Historiarum Fabellarumque Delectus, quam ex Aeliano, Polyæno, Aristotele, Max Tyrio, aliisque probatissimis Scriptoribus Græcis, desumptus: Versione et notis illustravis Jacobus Upton, A. M. . . . Londini, 1726.]
PA260 .A2U7 1700
8vo. 2 parts in 1 vol. with separate signatures. This copy is imperfect, lacking the title and several leaves at the beginning and at the end.
Not in Lowndes.
Watt 932v.
Allibone III, 2499.
Old sheep, damaged and rebacked. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I. Many leaves have interlinear and marginal translations into English in pencil in another hand; the title Historicis antiquis collectanea is written on the first present leaf. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
James Upton, 1670-1749, English schoolmaster.
Polyaeni stratagemata. Gr. Lat. Vulteii. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 6. no. 96, Polyæni stratagemma, Gr. Lat. Vulteii, 8vo
Πολυαινου στρατηγηματων βιβλοι οκτω. Polyæni Strategematum Libri Octo. Justo Vultejo interprete. Pancratius Maasvicius recensuit, Isaaci Casauboni, nec non suas, notas adjecit. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud Jordanum Luchtmans, & Johannem du Vivié, 1690.
PA4390 .P5 1690
8vo. 448 leaves, engraved title-page by T. Mulder, woodcut device on the printed title; Greek and Latin text printed in parallel columns.
Graesse V, page 393.
Dibdin, page 326.
Rebound in half red morocco by the Library of Congress with the book plates preserved. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. Numerous annotations in ink (possibly by William Byrd). With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
From the Library of William Byrd of Westover, with his armorial book plate (listed in his catalogue, Classics, seventh shelf, octavos).
Polyaenus, fl. 2nd century A.D., a Macedonian. The Strategematum, a collection of stratagems and maxims of strategy in the form of anecdotes, was written at the outbreak of the Parthian war, and dedicated to the emperors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus.
Pancracius Maaswyck [Maasvicius], 1658-1719, Dutch scholar, was a native of Leyden. The Polyaenus of Casaubon and Vultejus was originally printed in 1589. This is Maaswyck’s first edition.

Volume I : page 51

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