Volume I : page 470

First Edition of this translation. 8vo. 135 leaves.
Quérard X, page 567.
Not in Sabin.
Jefferson refers to this work in a letter to Horatio G. Spafford, written from Monticello, May 14, 1809. Disputing a statement of the latter in his General Geography that the potato was indigenous to the United States, Jefferson mentions that “ Zimmerman, in his Geographical Zoology, says it is a native of Guiana . . .” [Page 26 in this book.]
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 5.
Eberhard August Wilhelm von Zimmermann, 1743-1815, German naturalist. This work was originally written in Latin and published in Leyden in 1777. The work contains several references to the native inhabitants of America.
Jacques Mauvillon, 1743-1794, born in Leipzig, was the son of a French professor of languages in Germany.
Oeuvres Physiques de Bonnet. 12. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 46. no. 23, as above.
BONNET, Charles.
Oeuvres d’Histoire naturelle et de Philosophie de Charles Bonnet . . . Tome Premier [-XII]. A Neuchatel: chez Samuel Fauche, 1779-81.
QH9 .B71
12 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, 208 leaves; engraved portrait frontispiece by Clemens after Juel; vol. II, 236 leaves; vol. III, 135 leaves; vol. IV, 235 leaves; vol. V, 236 leaves; vol. VI, 278 leaves; vol. VII, 202 leaves; vol. VIII, 274 leaves; vol. IX, 234 leaves; vol. X, 198 leaves; vol. XI, 202 leaves; vol. XII, 252 leaves; folded plates, tables etc. in vol. I-IV, X, XI.
Quérard I, page 408.
Entered without price on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue.
Charles Bonnet, 1720-1793, Swiss philosopher and naturalist, and one of the pioneers of experimental morphology. This edition of his works eventually ran into eighteen volumes, the remaining six being published in 1782-3.
Esperienze intorno a diverse cose naturali del Redi. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 45. no. 37, as above.
REDI, Francesco.
Esperienze intorno a Diverse Cose Natvrali, e particolarmente a qvelle, che ci son portate dall’Indie. Fatte da Francesco Redi e Scritte in vna Lettera al Reverendissimo Padre Atanasio Chircher della Compagnia di Ciesv. In Firenze: all’ Insegna della Nave, 1671.
First Edition. 4to. 78 leaves, 6 folded engraved tavola; title-page printed in red and black, with engraved Medici arms.
Haym, Biblioteca Italiana, 203, no. 9.
Agassiz IV, 166, no. 5.
Sabin 6856.
Francesco Redi, 1626-1697, Italian naturalist of Arezzo, was a pioneer in the science of analysing food. This work has passages relating to the natural history of the East and West Indies, and to the tobacco of Brazil.
Fisica animale e vegetabile del Spallanzani. 4. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 45. no. 25, as above.
Opuscoli di Fisica Animale, e Vegetabile dell’ Abate Spallanzani . . . Aggiuntevi alcune Lettere relative ad essi Opuscoli dal celebre Signor Bonnet di Ginevra, e da altri scritte all’ Autore. Volume Primo [Secondo]. In Modena: Presso la Società Tipografica, 1776.-- Dissertazioni di Fisica Animale, e Vegetabile . . . Tomo I [II]. ibid . 1780.
QH302 .S7

Volume I : page 470

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