Volume I : page 469

Barton, M.D. . . . Part First . . . Philadelphia: Printed, for the author, by Way & Groff, 1799.
QH105 .P4 B2
First Edition. Folio. 21 leaves; no more was published.
Sabin 3809.
Evans 35159.
Agassiz I, page 205, no. 5.
On page vii Barton quotes from the Notes on Virginia: Mr. Jefferson has observed, that Perroquets even winter on the Sioto, in the 39 th. degree of latitude. The footnote gives the reference: Notes on the State of Virginia. Page 139. The original edition.
For a note on Barton see no. 681.
Cepede. Hist. nat. des Quadrup. Ovipares, et des Serpens. 4. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 45. no. 7, as above, unabbreviated.
LACÉPÈDE, Bernard Germain Étienne de La Ville sur Illon, comte de.
Histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes, ovipares et des serpens. Par M. le comte de La Cépède. Paris: Hotel de Thou, 1788-90.
4 vol. 12mo. The Histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes, ovipares et serpens is contained in 2 volumes, which form vol. 30 and 31 of Buffon’s Histoire Naturelle . Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue correctly calls for 2. v. only. These volumes were issued in 1788 and 1789 respectively. According to his dated catalogue Jefferson added 2 volumes, published in 1790.
Purchased from Froullé, price 6. broché, on October 26, 1788. Entered on the undated manuscript catalogue at this price.
Bernard Germain Étienne de la Ville sur Illon, Comte de Lacépède, 1756-1825, French naturalist. This work was a continuation of Buffon’s Histoire Naturelle and was suggested by Buffon himself.
Penant’s history of Quadrupeds. 2. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 46. no. 35, as above.
[PENNANT, Thomas.]
History of Quadrupeds, the Third Edition. Vol. I [II]. London: Printed for B. & J. White, 1793.
QL703 .P4
2 vol. 4to. Vol. I, 168 leaves; vol. II, 169 leaves; engraved title-pages with vignettes (vol. I the head of the Barbary Antelope, vol. II., the Sea Otter); 109 engraved plates by P. Mazell.
Lowndes IV, page 1823.
Wood, Introduction to the Literature of Vertebrate Zoology, page 526.
Agassiz, IV, 91 (dated 1792).
Thomas Pennant, 1726-1798, English traveller and naturalist. This work was originally printed in 1771 with the title Synopsis of Quadrupeds. It was to Thomas Pennant and Daines Barrington (q.v.) that Gilbert White addressed The Natural History of Selborne .
Zoologie geographique par Zimmerman. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 46. no. 22, as above.
von ZIMMERMAN, Eberhard August Wilhelm.
Zoologie Géographique. Premier Article L’Homme, par E. A. G. Zimmermann, Professeur d’Histoire naturelle à Bronswik . . . [Translated by Jacques Mauvillon.] Cassel: De l’Imprimerie française, 1784.
GF31 .Z73

Volume I : page 469

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