Volume I : page 461

Abregé du Systeme de la Nature de Linnée. par Gilibert. 8 vo. plates.
1815 Catalogue, page 45. no. 15, as above, omitting plates.
LINNAEUS, Carolus--GILIBERT, Jean Emmanuel.
Abrégé du Système de la nature, de Linné, histoire des mammaires ou des quadrupèdes et cétacées. Contenant, I o. la traduction libre du texte de Linné et de Gmelin; II o. l’extrait des observations de Buffon, Brisson, Pallas, et autres célèbres zoologistes; III o. l’anatomie comparée des principales espèces: le tout relatif au quadrupèdes et aux cétacées les plus curieux et les plus utiles. Par le citoyen J. E. Gilibert . . . A Lyon: chez F. R. Matheron & Co., An X--1802.
First Edition. 8vo. 299 leaves, engraved portrait of Gilibert and 28 plates.
A Catalogue of the Works of Linnaeus in the Libraries of the British Museum, no. 139.
Hulth, page 16.
No copy of this edition was located for collation. The title and collation above were taken from the bibliographies cited.
Jefferson bought his copy on June 16, 1806, from Dufour of Amsterdam through T. H. Backer, cost f 6, relié.
Jefferson had tried previously, on January 23, 1805, to buy a copy listed in Reibelt’s catalogue, but which Reibelt had already sold before receiving Jefferson’s order. The book was also one of those selected by Jefferson on January 20, 1806, from Reibelt’s Bordeaux catalogue, to be brought from France by Mr. Guestier, who however postponed his voyage.
Jean Emmanuel Gilibert, 1741-1814, French physician and naturalist.
Linnaei fauna Suecica. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 46. no. 14, as above.
LINNAEUS, Carolus.
Caroli Linnaei . . . Fauna Svecica sistens Animalia Sveciæ regni: Mammalia, Aves, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Vermes. Distributa per classes & ordines, genera & species, cum differentiis Specierum, Synononymis Auctorum, Nominibus Incolarum, Locis Natalium, Descriptionibus Insectorum. Editio altera, Auctior . . . Stockholmiæ: sumtu & literis direct. Laurentii Salvii, 1761.
QL291 .L7
Second Edition. 8vo. 314 leaves, engraved frontispiece, 2 full-page engraved plates by C. Bergquist after I. Leche; a list of the Genera & Species in this work on 13 leaves at the beginning, and an Index Nominum Svecorum at the end.
Hulth, page 48. Catalogue of the works of Linnæus in the Libraries of the British Museum, no. 1153.
This was one of the books selected by Jefferson from the library of the Rev. Samuel Henley in March 1785.
This work, first published in 1746, had occupied the attention of Linnaeus for fifteen years. The preface of this second edition is dated Upsalae, 1761, d. 28 Julii.
Manuel d’Histoire naturelle de Blumenbach. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 46. no. 16, as above, with the reading par Blumenbach.
BLUMENBACH, Johann Friedrich.
Manuel d’Histoire Naturelle, Traduit de l’ Allemand, de J. Fr. Blumenbach, Professeur à l’Université de Gottingue. Par Soulange Artaud. Avec Figures . . .

Volume I : page 461

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