Volume I : page 462

Tome Premiere [-Second]. A Metz: chez Collignon, A Paris, chez Levrault frères, Henrichs, Lenormant, An XI.--1803.
First Edition of this translation. 2 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, 274 leaves; vol. II, 240 leaves; 30 engraved plates, plain and colored (26 in vol. I and 6 in vol. II); catalogue of books to be consulted at the end of each section.
Quérard I, 360.
Agassiz I, 324, no. 9.
Catalogue of the Zoological Society of London, page 61.
Jefferson bought a copy of this work from the catalogue of Reibelt of Baltimore, in January, 1805, price 420 cents. It was bound by John March on March 7, cost $1.00 each volume.
Jefferson discussed the classification and nomenclature system of Blumenbach in several letters to his friends. In a letter to Dr. John Manners, from Monticello on February 22, 1814, Jefferson wrote: “ . . . disciples of Linnaeus, of Blumenbach, & of Cuvier, exclusively possessing their own nomenclatures, can no longer communicate intelligibly with one another . . . their systems too, and especially that of Blumenbach, are liable to the objection of going too much into the province of anatomy . . .
For a note on Blumenbach see no. 1000. The first edition of this book, in German, was published in Gottingen in 1779, and translations into various languages were subsequently issued. There are several references to the natural history of the Americas.
François Soulange d’Artaud, b. 1769, translator, was born in Paris.
Tableau elementaire de l’hist. nat. des animaux par Cuvier. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 46. no. 17, as above, with the reading l’Histoire Naturelle.
CUVIER, Georges Léopold Chrétien Fréderic Dagobert, baron.
Tableau élémentaire de l’Histoire Naturelle des Animaux. Par G. Cuvier, de l’Institut National de France . . . A Paris: Baudouin, An 6. [1798.]
QL45 .C89
First Edition. 8vo. 363 leaves, 12 plates by Buvry after Cuvier.
Quérard II, page 365.
Jefferson purchased his copy from N. G. Dufief in May 1803, price $ 2.50.
On May 2, Dufief wrote to Jefferson from Philadelphia: “. . . Je me rapelle que vous désiriez, l’année passée, d’avoir les divers ouvrages de Cuvier--J’ai dans ce moment son Tableau élémentaire de l’Histoire naturelle des animaux, gros vol relié 8 vo de 700 pages, avec planches--prix 2-50--Il vous sera adressé aussitôt, s’il vous convient.””
Jefferson replied from Washington on May 5: “ . . . I shall be glad to recieve the work of Cuvier. perhaps it may be the very one which I asked for the last year under the title of his Comparative anatomy, doubting whether that was the title. but it is enough that it is his, & on anatomy . . .
Jefferson’s reference is to his letter of March 23, 1802, quoted in no. 999 above, q.v. Dufief sent by the book by the Sloop Hiland on May 18.
Jefferson discussed the theories, classification system and nomenclature of Cuvier in various letters to his scientific friends, particularly in the letter to Dr. John Manners referred to above. The Notes on Virginia contain numerous references to Cuvier’s work.
This is the first edition of Cuvier’s first separate work, and is an abridgment of a course of lectures given by him at the École du Panthéon. For a note on Cuvier see no. 999.
Les oiseaux de Buffon avec des planches enluminees (646. plates.) 10 v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 46. no. 32, as above.
BUFFON, George Louis Leclerc, comte de.
Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux. A Paris: de l’Imprimerie Royale, 1770-1783.
QH45 .B78

Volume I : page 462

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