Volume I : page 427

admodum reverendi Johannis Ewing, S.S.T.P. Universitatis Pensylvaniensis Præfecti . . . eruditorum examini subjicit Gulielmus Stokes, A. B. Virginiensis . . . Philadelphia: ex officina Gulielmi Young, 1793.
RC749 .S7
First Edition. Sm. 8vo. 16 leaves, errata slip pasted down on the recto of the last leaf.
Sabin 92006.
Evans 26214.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue I, xiii, 709.
The third leaf contains a dedication to Thomas Jefferson (preceded on the second by a dedication to William Shippen), signed Auctor Sincerus and reading in part: Insuper honestissimo civi, Vitae integro scelerisque puro Thomae Jefferson, viro meritis permagnis virtutibusque permultis pariter insigni, cujus amor Patriae et Libertatis ardentissimus, Philosophiae ac Literarum studium cultusque felicissimus, et Clementia universa notabilis, tum Indigenerum tum Corda alienorum summa Caritate sibi devinxerunt . . .
Jefferson acknowledged the book and the dedication in a letter to Stokes, written from Philadelphia on June 11, 1793: “ Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to m( ~ r) Stokes . . . he returns many thanks to m( ~ r) Stokes for his inaugural dissertation, and for the flattering notice he has been pleased to prefix respecting himself and for which he feels himself entirely indebted to m ( ~ r) Stokes’s partiality. the subject of the dissertation, one of the most interesting in human affairs, is treated in a manner particularly interesting & ingenious.
Bracken’s Traveller’s pocket companion. 12 mo. 2 cop.
1815 Catalogue, page 39. no. 13, as above, omitting 2. cop.
The Traveller’s Pocket Farrier . . . The Third Edition. London: B. Dod, 1744.
12mo. No copy was located for collation.
Bracken’s pocket farrier. 12 mo. was one of the list of books missing from his library sent by Jefferson to Milligan on March 28, 1815, with the request that he would supply copies. Milligan sent a copy, price 50 cents, on April 7, 1815.
In the contemporary working copy of the 1815 Library of Congress catalogue, the word companion has been changed in ink to Farrier.
Henry Bracken, 1697-1764, English veterinary writer and doctor of medicine, studied medicine at Leyden under Boerhaave. The first edition of this work was published in 1743.
Gibson’s Farrier’s dispensatory. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 40. no. 88, Gibson’s Farmer’s Dispensatory, 8vo.
GIBSON, William.
The Farrier’s Dispensatory in three parts . . . The second edition corrected. London, 1726.
8vo. No copy was seen for collation.
This edition not in the Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue.
The first edition was published in 1721.
Cow-pox. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 40. no. 96, Cowpox, Tracts on, 4to.

1831 Catalogue, page 86. no. J. 120: Tracts on the Cowpox, 4to; 1800-’3.

1849 Catalogue, page 258. no. 120: Tracts on the Cow-pox, by Waterhouse, La Société de Médecine, Royal Jennerian Society, Dr. Lettsom, Committee of the House of Commons on Dr. Jenner’s Petition, p. 4to; 1800-’3.
With the exception of Jenner’s Evidence at large [see no. 954] this is the only entry in Jefferson’s manuscript catalogue for his books and pamphlets on the cow-pox. Lettsom’s Observations on the Cow-pox [no. v. below] is the only tract in this collection in quarto format, and it is possible that Jefferson had the pamphlets bound together to the size of Lettsom’s quarto.
A set of tracts in quarto, lettered Cow-pox was bound for Jefferson by John March in August, 1805, half-bound, price $1.00.

Volume I : page 427

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