Volume II : page 426

1 leaf, folio, folded to fit the quarto volume.
Not in Arents.
A contract between Robert Morris, “ancien Surintendant des Finances des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique, résidant à Philadelphie”, and Simon Emmanuel Julien Le Normand, “Receveur-Général des Finances de la Généralité de la Rochelle, résidant à Paris”, concerning the importation into France of tobacco. Morris’s contract with the French Farmers General, made in 1785, gave him the monopoly of the American tobacco trade with France.
xvi-xvii. Arrêt de la Cour de Parlement, qui casse l’emprisonnement de sieur Thomas Barklai, Consul général des Etats-Unis de l’Amérique, & leur Agent Extraordinaire auprès de l’Empereur de Maroc. Du 19 Mai 1787. [A Bordeaux: de l’Imprimerie de Pierre Phillippot, 1787.]
4to. 2 leaves, caption title, imprint at the end.
Thomas Barclay, 1753-1830, Loyalist, was taken prisoner when carrying Lord Rawdon’s “Dispatches by Sea to Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown in Virginia, and was taken at the Enterance of the Capes by the French fleet in attempting to make my way through them to his Lordship, was a Prisoner with the French during the action off the Capes under Ad. Graves and Count de Grasse,--obtained my parol in a few days after, and arrived at New York in time to give the Commanders in Chief by Sea and Land a very full and necessary information.”
On July 13, 1787, Barclay addressed a letter to Mr. Adams and Mr. Jefferson concerning his expenses in the matter and enclosed “two books of 82 pages containing all my accounts respecting my mission to Morrocco.”
Two copies of this Arrêt are bound in this volume.
xviii. LAMBERT, Charles Guillaume.
Lettre de M. Lambert, Conseiller d’État & au Conseil royal de Finance & de Commerce, Contrôleur général des finances, à M. Jefferson, Ministre plenipotentiaire des États-Unis d’Amérique près de Sa Majesté Très-Chrétienne. Versailles, 29 Décembre 1787. [--Arrêt du Conseil d’État du Roi, pour l’encouragement du commerce de France avec les États-Unis de l’Amérique. Du 29 Décembre 1787.] [A Paris: de l’Imprimerie Royale, 1787.]
4to. 6 leaves of which 2 are for Lambert’s letter, and 4 for the Arrêt, French and English texts in parallel columns.
The original autograph letter is in the Jefferson Papers in the Library of Congress with a printed copy of the enclosed Arrêt. Another copy of the Arrêt is also in these Papers with Jefferson’s Report to the House of Representatives on February 1, 1791, of which it was one of the official documents presented.
Charles Guillaume Lambert, born in 1726, executed in 1793, became controller general of finances after the dismissal of Necker.
xix. Arrêt du Conseil d’État du Roi, qui excepte de l’Entrepôt accordé, par l’arrêt du Conseil du 29 décembre 1787, aux productions & marchandises des États-unis, les Poissons, Huiles & autres marchandises provenant de leurs pêches. Du 22 Février 1788. [A Paris: de l’Imprimerie Royale, 1788.]
4to. 2 leaves, caption title, imprint at the end, woodcut headpiece.
Jefferson mentioned this and other relative arrêts in his report to the House of Representatives as Secretary of State on February 1, 1791.
xx. Arrêt du Conseil d’État du Roi, portant suppression des Délibérations & Protestations des Cours & autres Corps & Communautés, faites depuis la publica-

Volume II : page 426

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