Volume I : page 415

Peale . . . Philadelphia: From the Press of the late R. Aitken, by Jane Aitken, 1803.
RA776 .P35
First Edition. 24 leaves.
Not in Sabin.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue I, x, 590.
Jefferson’s copy was sent to him by the author, who, on January 28, 1803 wrote to the former from Museum: “I have wrote an essay on the means of preserving health and long life, which will be put to the press shortly. it may do good by opening the Eyes of some, who appear blind, or heedless of themselves. If some good is thereby promoted I shall be satisfied.”
On February 14, he sent the pamphlet with a letter: “The enclosed essay on health is dressed to render it more worthy of your acceptance, and in this neither seeking compliments on it, or supposing it can give you any light, but knowing you will appreciate my Motive for making the Publication, that of bringing some of my acquaintance to reflection and then reformation. should that be the case in a single instance my labour will not be thrown away, I shall be well paid for my trouble . . .”
For a note on Peale, see no. 683. This work is dated from Museum, March 3, 1803.
Ricketson’s Means of preserving health. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 41. no. 11, as above.
RICKETSON, Shadrach.
Means of Preserving Health, and Preventing Diseases: Founded principally on an attention to Air and Climate, Drink, Food, Sleep, Exercise, Clothing, Passions of the Mind, and Retentions and Excretions . . . By Shadrach Ricketson, Physician in New-York. New York: Printed by Collins, Perkins, & Co. sold by them [and by others], 1806.
RA776 .R53
First Edition. 12mo. 156 leaves, the last leaf with a list of Medical Books for sale by Collins, Perkins, & Co.
Sabin 71237.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue I, xii, 211.
Jefferson’s copy of this work was a presentation from the author, who wrote from New York, June 8th, 1809: “Shadrach Ricketson presents his respectful Esteem to his Friend, Thomas Jefferson; & herewith sends him his Treatise on Health, which he desires he will accept as a Testimony of the same: also his Pamphlet on the Influenza, & two other small ones.”
Jefferson replied from Monticello on June 21: “ Th: Jefferson presents his compliments & his thanks to Doct r. Ricketson for his treatise on the means of preserving health & the pamphlets he has been so kind as to send him. he shall read the former especially with particular pleasure, having much more confidence in the means of preserving than of restoring health. he salutes D r. Ricketson with assurances of his respect.
Shadrach Ricketson, fl. 1809, Quaker physician of New York.
Cutbush on the health of soldiers & sailors. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 40. no. 51, as above.
CUTBUSH, Edward.
Observations on the Means of Preserving the Health of Soldiers and Sailors; and on the Duties of the Medical Department of the Army and Navy: with Remarks on Hospitals and their internal arrangement. By Edward Cutbush, M.D. of the

Volume I : page 415

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