Volume I : page 416

Navy of the United States . . . Philadelphia: Printed for Thomas Dobson, Fry and Kammerer, Printers, 1808.
UH600 .C9
First Edition. 8vo. in fours. 184 leaves, 2 engraved plates after the author by Lawson, 3 folded printed tables. In the Library of Congress copy from which this collation is taken the errata slip is pasted on to the back of the dedication leaf. At the end are Directions for Preserving the Health of Soldiers . . . By Benjamin Rush, M.D. with continuous signatures, but separately paged (1)-14; on the last leaf is Thomas Dobson’s Catalogue of Medical Books, 1808 .
Not in Sabin.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue I, iii, 567.
Jefferson’s copy was sent to him by the author, who wrote from Philadelphia on December 16, 1808: “Permit me to request your acceptance of a Treatise on the means of preserving the Health of soldiers & sailors &c. I would have presented it personally, when I had the honor of paying my respects to you a few days since, but the work had not then issued from the press; I wish it were more worthy your perusal.”
Jefferson replied from Washington on December 24: “ Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to D r. Cutbush and his thanks for the volume on the health of soldiers and seamen which he has been so kind as to send him. he shall peruse it with pleasure at his first leisure. in the meantime the great utility of the object justly entitles the author to the thanks of every friend of his country.
Edward Cutbush, 1772-1843, U.S.N., was a native of Philadelphia. This is the first book written by a medical officer in the United States Navy.
Wainewright’s Non-naturals. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 42. no. 53, as above.
A Mechanical Account of the Non-Naturals: being a brief Explication of the Changes made in Humane Bodies, by Air, Diet, &c. together with an Enquiry into the Nature and Use of Baths upon the same Principles. To which is prefix’d, the Doctrin [ sic -- Ed. ] of Animal Secretion in several Propositions. By Jer. Wainewright, M.D. The Second Edition, Revis’d. London: Printed by J. B. for Ralph Smith, 1708.
R128.7 .W15
8vo. 116 leaves, the last 2 leaves with Books Printed for, and sold by Ralph Smith . . .
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue I, xvi, 16.
Jeremiah Wainewright, fl. 1700, English physician. The first edition of this work was published in 1707.
Trattati Fisici del Cocchi. p. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 42. no. 52 as above.

1831 Catalogue, page 87. no. 62; Tratatti Fisica del Cocchi, p. 4to; Londra, 1762.

1849 Catalogue, page 232. no. 62; Cocchi, Antonio: Del Matrimonio Ragionamento di un Filosofo Mugellano, coll’ aggiunta di una Lettera ad una Sposa; tradotta dall’ Inglese da una Fanciulla Mugellana, 8vo; Londra, 1762.
COCCHI, Antonio.
Del Matrimonio ragionamento di un Filosofo Mugellano coll’aggiunta di una Lettera ad una Sposa tradotta dall’ Inglese da una Fanciulla Mugellana . . . In Londra, 1762.
HQ731 .C7

Volume I : page 416

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