Volume I : page 401

nivm facile principis; Opera omnia quæ extant in VIII sectiones ex Erotiani mente distributa. Nvnc recens latina interpretatione & annotationibus illustrata, Anvtio Fœsio mediomatrico medico avthore: Adiecta sunt ad VI sectionem Palladij scholia græca in lib. περι (’α)γμων nondum antea excusa, & nunc primùm latintate donata. His præterea accessere variæ in omnes Hippocr. lib. lectiones græcæ, ex reconditissimis manuscriptis exemplaribus summa diligentia collectæ, necnon etiam quorundam doctiss. virorum in aliquot Hippocr. libros observationes . . . Francofvrti: apud Andreæ Wecheli heredes, Claud. Marnium, & Ioan. Aubrium, 1595.]
Folio. 8 parts in 1, 772 leaves, separate pagination for each part, printer’s device on the title-page and on the verso of the last leaf, Greek and Latin text in parallel columns.
Osler 144.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue I, vi, 246.
This edition is ascribed to the Jefferson collection in the later Library of Congress catalogues, possibly erroneously as Jefferson’s copy lacked the title-page.
Hippocrates, 460-375 B.C., Greek philosopher, the Father of Medicine.
Anuce Foës [Foesius] 1528-1595, French hellenist and medical writer. This is his first edition of the Opera of Hippocrates.
Hippocratis opera omnia: Gr. Lat. Vander Linden. 2. tom. in 5. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 40. no. 23, as above, omitting 2. tom.
Magni Hippocratis coi Opera omnia. Græce & Latine edita, et ad omnes alias Editiones accommodata. Industria & diligentia Joan. Antonidæ Vander Linden, . . . Volumen Primum [Tomus Secundus]. Lugduni Batavorum: apud Danielem, Abrahamum & Adrianum à Gaasbeeck, 1665.
R126 .H5
2 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, 460 leaves; vol. II, 588 leaves; Greek and Latin text printed in parallel columns, the title of the second volume differs from that of the first; the first leaf of vol. I has the engraved frontispiece-title, and sig. * 8 verso an engraved portrait of Hippocrates by P. Phil.
Brunet III, page 170.
This edition not in Osler.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue I, vi, 246.
Jefferson bought this book in 1788 when in Amsterdam, from De Bure’s catalogue, through Van Damme, price 34., at which price it is entered in the undated manuscript catalogue. A copy had also been offered by Koenig of Strassburg. According to Jefferson’s entries in the two manuscript catalogues, the book was bound in five volumes.
Jan Antonides van der Linden, 1609-1644, Dutch scholar.
Celsus de re Medicâ. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 39. no. 24. Celsus de re Medicâ, p 4to.
CELSUS, Aulus Cornelius.
Avrelii Cornelii Celsi De Re Medica Libri Octo. Accessere in primum eiusdem, Hieremiæ Thriveri Brachelii commentarij doctissimi: In reliquos verò septem, Baldvini Ronssei Gandensis, Reipub. Goudanæ Medici enarrationes. Lvgdvni Batavorum: ex officina Plantiniana, apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1592.
R127 .C3

Volume I : page 401

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