Volume II : page 400

ceptæ Sententiæ cum selectis Notis J. Cujacii & Sparsim ad universum Corpus Antonii Anselmo, A.F.A.N. JC. Antverp. Observationes singulares, Remissiones & Notæ Juris Civilis, Canonici, & Novissimi ac in Praxi recepti differentiam continentes, accesserunt, operâ & studio Simonis van Leeuwen, JC. Lugd. Bat . . . Editio novissima, pluribus notis auctior & de novo revisa. Anteverpiæ: apud Joannem Baptistam Verdussen, m.dcc.xxvi . Cum Gratia & Privilegio. [1726]
Law 48
2 vol. Folio. 552 and 468 leaves collating in sixes, double columns; title-page printed in red and black, [vol. II with half-title only] printer’s woodcut device on the title and at the end of vol. II; engraved arms of the Graaf De Haghen-Deesbeke at the head of the Epistola Dedicatoria.
Dupin 556.
Old calf, r.e., green silk bookmark. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Jefferson bought a copy from Froullé in Paris on November 24, 1788, price 42 (livres).
Denys Godefroy, 1549-1622, French lawyer, was for a time professor of law at Geneva. His first edition appeared in Lyons in 1583.
J. 40
Corpus Juris civilis Gothofredi Laemarius. 2. v. 8 to. [ i.e.8 vo as per MS.-- Ed.] 1598.
1815 Catalogue, page 89. no. 16, as above.
[ Corpus Juris Civilis . . . ex Dionysii Gothofredi recognitione. Excudebat Gullielmus Læmarius, Anno Dom. m. d. xcviii . Kal. Ian.] [1598]
Law 42
2 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, 488 leaves only, lacks the title; vol. II, in 2 parts, 233 and 166 leaves, printed in double columns, columns numbered; title of volume II within a woodcut border; title of volume I lacking and the separate compartments of an ornamental border by L. Gaultier, 1611 pasted down on a blank leaf in place of the title.
This edition not found in the bibliographies.
French calf, r.e. Not initialled by Jefferson. A few MS. notes are not by him. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
J. 41
Theophili Antecessoris Institutiones. Gr. Lat. Fabroti. 4 to. Paris. 1638.
1815 Catalogue, page 91. no. 45, as above.
Θεοφιλου του Αντικηνσωρος Ινστιτουτων βιβλια Δ. Theophili antecessoris Institvtionvm Libri IV. Carlovs Annibal Fabrotvs antecessor Aquisextiensis ex tribus mss. codd. Biblioth. Regiæ recensuit, & scholiis Græcis auxit. Idémque Iacobi Cvrtii Latinam interpretationem emendauit, & Notas adjecit . . . Parisiis: sumptibus Mathvrini dv Pvis, m. dc. xxxviii . Cvm Privilegio Regis. [1638]
Law 402
4to. 474 leaves in fours, 1 folded table; title in red and black; the Greek text in a center column between the Latin text and the gloss; Du Puis’ crown device on the title.
Graesse VI, 123.
French calf; not initialled by Jefferson; with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Theophilus, fl. 533, Greek juriconsult, [ sic -- Ed. ] practised law at Constantinople, and was the author of several books including this Greek paraphrase of the Institutes of Justinian.
Charles-Annibal Fabrot, 1580-1659, a native of Provence, and one of the most famous juriconsults [ sic -- Ed. ] in history. This is the first edition of his translation into Latin of the Greek paraphrase of Theophilus.
Jacques Curtius, fl. 1550, Belgian lawyer, was also the author of a Latin translation of the paraphrase of Theophilus.

Volume II : page 400

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