Volume I : page 358
Reflexions sur l’Agriculture de Naples. par Tupputi. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 33. no. 26, as above.
TUPPUTI, Dominique.
Réflexions succintes sur l’état actuel de l’Agriculture, et de quelques autres parties de l’administration dans le royaume de Naples . . . précédées d’une Introduction ou coup d’oeil sur l’ancien état de ce pays . . . Seconde édition. Paris: imprimerie de Le Becq, 1807.
8vo. No copy was located for collation.
Quérard IX, 575.
Loudon, 1222.
Huzard catalogue II, 1154.
Dominique Tupputi, French man of letters was a native of Plaisance. The first edition was published in 1806, and was without the Introduction.
Della coltivazione degli Ulivi del Vettori. }

Osservazioni sopra la coltivazione degli agrumi. } 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 31. no. 52, Della coltivazione degli Ulivi del Vettori é degli Agrumi, 8vo.
These two books are bracketed together in Jefferson’s manuscript catalogue and have one entry in the 1815 catalogue as above; they were probably bound together for Jefferson. The second entry is dropped from the later catalogues.

VETTORI, Pietro.
Trattato di Piero Vettori delle lodi e della coltivazione degli ulivi. Nuova accuratissima edizione. Presa da quella del 1710 citata dagli Accademici della Crusca. Colle annotazioni del dott. Giuseppe Bianchini di Prato e di Domenico M. Manni . . . Firenze: nella stamperia di G. B. Stecchi, 1762.
8vo. 60 leaves: no copy was seen for collation.
Lastri, page 133.
This book was on the list of agricultural books recommended by Jefferson to W. C. Nicholas on December 16, 1809 for purchase for the Library of Congress.
On July 30, 1787 Jefferson wrote from Paris to William Drayton: “ . . . The Olive is a tree the least known in America, & yet the most worthy of being known. of all the gifts of heaven to man, it is next to the most precious, if it be not the most precious. perhaps it may claim a preference even to bread; because there is such an infinitude of vegetables which it renders a proper & comfortable nourishment . . . ” and again on September 16 to George Wythe: “ I am persuaded there are many parts of our lower country where the olive tree might be raised, which is assuredly the richest gift of heaven. I can scarcely except bread . . . I do not speak of the vine, becuase it is the parent of misery . . .
Pietro Vettori, 1499-1585, Italian classical scholar, occupied the chair of Latin and Greek eloquence at Florence for a number of years. The first edition of this work appeared in 1569, and was frequently reprinted.
Giuseppe Maria Bianchini, 1683-1749.
Domenico Maria Manni, 1690-1788.
William Drayton,1732-1790, jurist of South Carolina, was Chairman of the South Carolina Agricultural Society.
Osservazioni di un Socio dell’ Accademia dei Georgofili Fiorentini, sopra la coltivazione degli Agrumi del Territorio Pisano, paragonata con la coltivazione, e utilità, che da essi ne ricavano varj popoli della Riviera di Genova, e del Prin-
Volume I : page 358
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