Volume I : page 326

The Country farmer. 4 to. [a translation of the Maison rustique.
1815 Catalogue, page 33. no. 21, The Country Farmer [maison rustique] p 4to.
ESTIENNE, Charles, and Liebault, Jean.
Maison Rustique, or the Covntrie Farme. Compiled in the French tongue by Charles Steuens and Iohn Liebault Doctors of Physicke. And translated into English by Richard Svrflet Practitioner in Physicke. Also a short collection of the hunting of the Hart, Wilde Bore, Hare, Foxe, Gray, Conie: of Birds and Faulconerie. Printed at London: by Edm. Bollifant, for Bonham Norton, 1600.
First Edition in English. 4to. 560 leaves, woodcut illustrations.
STC 10547.
Schwerdt I, 166.
McDonald, page 201.
This book was on Jefferson’s list of Agricultural works recommended to W. C. Nicholas on December 16, 1809 for purchase for the Library of Congress: “ The Country farmer. 4 to. this is an old translation of the Maison Rustique, a work formerly esteemed in France.
Charles Estienne, 1504-1564, published his Prædium Rusticum , on which the Maison Rustique was founded, in 1554. The first edition with the later title was published after his death by his son-in-law, Jean Liebault, in 1564, and another edition followed in 1565. Subsequent editions have the names of both Estienne and Liebault on the title-pages.
This translation into English by Richard Surflet is addressed to Sir Peregrine Bertie, Lord Willoughbie.
Jacob’s country gentleman’s Vade mecum. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 32. no. 2, as above.
JACOB, Giles.
The Country Gentleman’s Vade mecum. Containing an account of the best methods to improve lands, plowing and sowing of corn; reaping, mowing, &c . . . Rules for management of a Family, expence in eating and drinking . . . account of gardening in general . . . To which is added, a general description of England, and particularly of London . . . And legal observations on the several chapters throughout the whole. By G. jacob, Gent. London: Printed for W. Taylor, 1717.
First Edition. 8vo. 71 leaves. No copy was seen for collation.
Not in Loudon.
McDonald, page 207.
Giles Jacob, 1686-1744, English author and compiler.
Mortimer’s husbandry. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 32. no. 22, as above.
T he Whole Art of Husbandry: Or, the Way of Managing and Improving of Land. Being a full Collection of what hath been Writ, either by Ancient or Modern Authors: With many Additions of New Experiments and Improvements not treated of by others. As also an Account of the particular Sorts of Husbandry used in several Counties; with Proposals for its farther Improvement. To which is added, The Country-Man’s Kalendar, what he is to do every Month in the Year.

Volume I : page 326

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