& Elizabeth. Ove mult references al lieuvres del Comen Ley, ovesque deux Tables l’une des Nosmes des Cases l’autre des principal
Matters conteinus en yceux.
London: Printed by the Assigns of
R. and E. Atkins, Esquires, for
Samuel Keble,
Daniel Brown,
Isaac Cleave, and
William Rogers,
Les Reports des divers special cases adjudge en le court del common Bank en les reignes de . . . Hen. VIII. Edw. VI. et les
reignes Mar. et Eliz. Colligees par Gulielme Dalison un des Justices del Bank le Roy. Ove deux Tables, l’une conteinant le nosmes des Cases, l’auter le principal matter en le
dit Livre.
Law 58
First Edition. 2 parts in 1. Folio. 164 and 66 leaves collating in fours; printed partly in black letter.
STC B1870, D136.
Marvin, page 249.
Sweet & Maxwell I, 197, 27.
Clarke, page 349, no. 23.
Old calf, rebacked and repaired. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate, and
that of Peyton Randolph preserved and inlaid in the new linings.
These reports, described by Jefferson and so in the Library of Congress 1815 catalogue as “Benloe [new]” should properly have
been described as “Benloe [old]”. For the real “Benloe. new” see no. 2043.
William Bendlowes, 1516-1584, English serjeant-at-law. This was the
first edition of his Reports and was edited by John Rowe.
Sir William Dalison, d. 1559, English judge. Many of the Reports attributed to him and published in this volume with Bendlowe’s Reports were
decided after his death.
J. 233
1815 Catalogue, page 80. no. 25, [
i.e. “258”--
Ed.] as above, fol.
1578. Les Commentaries, ou Reportes de Edmunde Plowden vn apprentice de le comen ley, de diuers cases esteants matters en ley, & de les Arguments sur yceux, en les temps des Raygnes
le Roye Edward le size, le Roigne Mary, le Roy & Roigne Phillip & Mary, & le Roigne Elizabeth. Ouesque vn Table perfect des
choses notables contenus en ycell, nouelment compose per VVilliam Fletevvoode Recorder de Loundres, & iammes cy deuaunt imprime
. . .
In aedibus
Richardi Tottelli. Octobris 20. Cum Priuilegio. [
Cy ensuont certeyne Cases Reportes per Edmunde Plowden . . . puis le primer imprimier de ses Commentaries, & ore a le seconde imprimier de les dits Commentaries a ceo addes. Ouesque
vn Table . . .
Cum Priuilegio. Anno.
1579. [
15. die Iunii. 1579.]
Richard Tottell,
Law 111
Folio. 3 parts in 1. 420, 176, 16 leaves, including blanks; titles for the two parts of the
Commentaries within woodcut borders (McKerrow 122, 153), continuous foliation; the last 16 leaves with caption title and separate foliation
for the
Report fait per vn vncertaine authour (on Basset et Morgan versvs Manxel); chiefly black letter, woodcut initials, woodcut
Arbor Consanguinitatis, prout per Bractonum declaratur.
STC 20041, 20042.
Dibdin-Ames IV, 2649.
Beale R.485, 486.
Sweet & Maxwell I, 201, 53.
Rebound in calf, with the bookplate of George Wythe preserved. Not initialled by Jefferson. Numerous manuscript notes in various
early hands, and one or two notes probably by Jefferson. On the fly leaf is written in an early hand
Vita integritate inter Homines suae profes-