Volume I : page 315

Mitchel’s outlines of Nat. hist. chemistry & economics.
iii. MITCHILL, Samuel Latham.
Outline of the doctrines in natural history, chemistry, and economics. Which, under the patronage of the State, are now delivering in the College of New-York. By Samuel Latham Mitchill . . . New York: Printed by Childs and Swaine, 1792.
Q181 .M57
First Edition. 8vo. 16 leaves.
Sabin 49749 note.
Evans 24549.
A copy of this work was sent to Jefferson by Mr. Samuel Jones Junr., to whom Jefferson wrote from Philadelphia on December 1, 1792: “ Th: Jefferson has the honor to acknolege the reciept of a copy of the transactions of the Society for Agriculture &c at New York, & to return his thanks for the acceptable present to the President, as also to M ( ~ r) Jones for the transmission of the same, with D r. Mitchell’s outlines of Natural history &c.
For the Transactions of the Society of Agriculture see no. 661.
Samuel Latham Mitchill, 1764-1831, New York physician, was dubbed “The Congressional Library” by John Randolph on account of his wide and profound erudition.
Mitchill was for some years professor of agriculture and chemistry in Columbia College, and this Syllabus of lectures was published in conformity with the order, printed on the recto of the second leaf, that every professor of that College should publish a syllabus of his course within a year.
Mitchill was in constant correspondence with Jefferson over a period of years.
Rouelle’s mineral waters of Virginia.
iv. ROUELLE, John.
A complete Treatise on the Mineral Waters of Virginia: containing a description of their situation, their natural history, their analysis, contents, and their use in medicine. By John Rouelle, M.D. . . . Philadelphia: Printed for the Author, by Charles Cist, and are to be sold by Thomas Dobson. M,DCC,XCII. [1792.]
RA807 .V7 R8
First Edition. 8vo. 48 leaves.
Sabin 73457.
Evans 24757.
Contains references to the Notes on Virginia .
v. KIRWAN, Richard.
Observations on Coal-Mines. By Richard Kirwan, Esq. M.R.I.A. and F.R.S. Read Jan. 10, 1789. [In: The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. M. DCC. LXXXVIII. Dublin: George Bonham ( 1789).]
4to. Vol. II of the Transactions, pages [157]-[170].
For a note on Richard Kirwan see no. 650.
M c.lurg de Calore.
vi. M cCLURG, James.
Tentamen Medicum Inaugurale, de Calore: quod, Annuente summo Numine, ex Auctoritate reverendi admodum Viri, Gulielmi Robertson, S. S. T. P. Academiæ Edinburgenæ Præfecti; nec non amplissimi Senatus Academici consensu, et nobilissimæ Facultis Medicæ Decreto, Pro Gradu Doctoris, summisque in Medicina

Volume I : page 315

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