Volume I : page 316

Honoribus et Privilegiis rite et legitime Consequendis; Eruditorum examini subjicit Jacobus M’Clurg, Virginiensis. Ad diem 12 Junii, hora locoque solitis . . . Edinburgi: apud Balfour, Auld, et Smellie, 1770.
First Edition. 8vo. 28 leaves.
Not in Sabin.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue I, viii, 473.
Clayton-Torrence 364.
James McClurg, 1746-1823, a native of Virginia, took his degree in medicine at Edinburgh University in 1770 and later became professor of medicine at William and Mary College.
Bland de coctione alimentorum.
vii. BLAND, Theodorick.
Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis, de Coctione Alimentorum in Ventriculo: quam, annuente summo numine, ex Auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, Gulielmi Robertson, S.S.T.P. Academiæ Edinburgenæ Præfecti, nec non amplissimi Senatus Academici consensu. Et nobilissimæ Facultatis Medicæ decreto; pro Gradu Doctoratus, summisque in Medicina Honoribus et Privilegiis rite et legitime Consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit Theodoricus Bland, Virginiensis . . . Edinburgi: apud Hamilton, Balfour, & Neill, 1763.
QP145 .B55
First Edition. 8vo. 16 leaves.
Not in Sabin.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue I, i, 119.
Clayton-Torrence 303.
Theodorick Bland, 1742-1790, physician, Revolutionary soldier and congressman, was a native of Virginia. He took his medical degree from Edinburgh University in 1763 and returned to Virginia shortly after.
The copy in the Library of Congress belonged to John Redmond Coxe.
Avis pour le transport des arbres.
viii. [DUHAMEL du MONCEAU, Henri Louis, and La GALISSONNIÈRE, Rolland Michel Burin, marquis de.]
Avis pour transport par mer des arbres, des plantes vivaces, des semences, des animaux et de différens autres curiosités d’histoire naturelle. [Without name of place or printer] 1752.
First Edition. 12mo. 28 leaves.
Barber I, col. 369.
Quérard II, 655.
This edition not in Pritzel.
Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau, 1700-1782, French botanist and engineer.
Rolland Michel Burin, Marquis de La Galissonnière, 1693-1756, French sailor and naturalist.
ix. Elements of botany, M.S.
This manuscript is not in the Library of Congress.
Rush’s acc t. of the sugar-maple.
x. RUSH, Benjamin.
An account of the Sugar Maple-Tree, of the United States, and of the methods of obtaining sugar from it, together with observations upon the advantages both public and private of this sugar. In a letter to Thomas Jefferson, Esq. Secretary of State of the United States, and one of the Vice-Presidents of the American Philo-

Volume I : page 316

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