Volume I : page 299

Archaeologiae Philosophicae. Burnet. 4 to. small.
1815 Catalogue, page 29. no. 23, Archaelogiæ [ sic -- Ed. ] Philosophical, Burnet, p 4to.
BURNET, Thomas.
Archæologiæ Philosophicæ: sive Doctrina Antiqua de Rervm Originibvs. Libri Duo. Londini: Typis R. N. Impensis Gualt. Kettilby, [ sic -- Ed. ] 1692.
First Edition. 4to. 187 leaves; the text in Latin, with passages in Greek and Hebrew.
Lowndes I, page 325.
Not in Hazlitt.
Not in the Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature.
STC B5943.
Thomas Burnet, 1635?-1715, master of the Charterhouse. In this work, of which a translation into English appeared in the same year, Burnet professed to reconcile his theory of the earth (see the next entry) with the first chapter of Genesis. The conversation between Eve and the Serpent gave much offence; it occurs on sig Oo 1, page 281. The book is dedicated to William III.
Burnet’s Theory of the Earth. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 29. no. 32, as above.
BURNET, Thomas.
The Theory of the Earth: Containing an Account of the Original of the Earth, and of all the General Changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the Consummation of all Things. The Two First Books concerning The Deluge, and concerning Paradise. London: Printed by R. Norton, for Walter Kettilby, 1684.
BL224 .B82
First Edition. Folio. 2 parts in 1. 174 leaves including the full-page engraved frontispiece, 2 double-page plates, small engravings in the text; the title-page for the Second Book is on Z 2; signatures and pagination are continuous.
This edition not in Lowndes.
STC B5950.
Arber, Term Catalogues, page 74.
A. F. Johnson, A Catalogue of Engraved and Etched English Title-Pages, no. 178, cites only the later edition of this work, 1691, with the erroneous description Six spheres around the title [there are seven spheres around the title]. The same frontispiece is used in the English and in the Latin editions. See Wolf I, page 351.
The first edition of this work is in Latin and appeared in 1681 with the title Telluris Theoria Sacra. This is the first edition of the English translation of the first two books. The translation of the later books appeared in 1690 and was not in the Jefferson collection.
Histoire naturel des Volcans par Ordinaire 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 29. no. 15, as above.
ORDINAIRE, Claude Nicolas.
Histoire Naturelle des Volcans, comprenant les Volcans soumarins, ceux de boue, et autres phénomènes analogues. Par C. N. Ordinaire, ci-devant Chanoine de Riom. Paris: chez Levrault frères, An X (1802).
First Edition. 8vo. 179 leaves; large folded engraved Mappemonde volcanique with an inset Carte de la majeure Partie du Mexique et du Perou by Tardieu l’ainé.
Quérard VI, page 461.
Poggendorff II, col. 331.
Agassiz, Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologiae IV, page 49.
Purchased from Reibelt on December 24, 1804, price $ 2.00. This was one of the books retained by Jefferson for his own use from a consignment sent by Reibelt to Washington from which the Secretary of State and Jefferson were to make selections.
Claude Nicolas Ordinaire, 1736-1809, French naturalist. This work is dedicated to Sir William Hamilton.

Volume I : page 299

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