Volume I : page 149

VIII. The early editions brought the history to 1509, and further chapters, carrying the history to 1538, were later added.
Antonius Thysius [Antoine Thys], 1603-1665, Dutch scholar. In this, his first edition of this work, he overlooked the reign of Henry VIII while the book was passing through the press, and ultimately inserted it at the beginning of the book.
Habington’s hist. of E. IV. fol. 1461-1483.
1815 Catalogue, page 18. no. 88, Habington’s History of Edward IV, 1461-1483 fol.
The Historie of Edvvard the Fovrth, king of England. By Wm. Habington Esquire. London: Printed by Tho. Cotes, for William Cooke, 1640.
DA258 .H2
First Edition. Folio. 118 leaves, portrait in an escutcheon by Elstracke, printer’s woodcut device on the title.
Lowndes I, page 966.
Hazlitt I, page 196.
STC 12586.
Thomas Habington, English antiquary. This work, published by his son William in 1640 at the command of Charles I to whom it was dedicated, was written during Habington’s imprisonment in the Tower for complicity in the Babington plot. It is reprinted in Kennett’s Complete History of England. see no. 377. See also Gildas, no. 335.
Moore’s life of Richard III, 1483-1485.
1815 Catalogue, page 19. no. 65, Moore’s life of Richard III, 1483-1485, 4to.
[ The history of king Richard the thirde (vnfinished) writen by Master Thomas More than one of the vndersheriffis of London: about the yeare of our Lorde. 1513. . .] in The vvorkes of Sir Thomas More Knyght, sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England, wrytten by him in the Englysh tonge. Printed at London at the costes and charges of Iohn Cawod, Iohn VValy, and Richarde Tottell. Anno. 1557.
PR2321 .A1
First Edition. Folio. Full collation as follows: ¶ ¶ 8, a-f, h-z, aa-zz, A-Z, AA-BB 8, CC 8+ 1, DD-YY 8, ZZ 6. The caption title for The history of King Richard the thirde as above is on c ii recto, and the History extends to e iiii recto; black letter, double columns, title within a woodcut border, woodcut initials, colophon on the last page.
Lowndes III, page 1606.
Hazlitt H. 401.
STC 10876.
Pforzheimer II, 743.
Jefferson’s manuscript catalogue and the 1815 Library of Congress catalogue call for The history of King Richarde the thirde only. The later Library catalogues credit the Jefferson collection with the 1557 edition of the Workes as above.
Saint Thomas More, 1478-1535. As Sir Thomas More he was lord chancellor of England. The History of Richard the thirde was first printed in this collected edition of More’s works, edited by Rastell, who states in the caption title quoted above that it was written in 1513. The work appears to be a translation from a Latin original, supposedly by another author.
Walpole’s historic doubts of Richard III. 4 to. 1483-1485.
1815 Catalogue, page 20. no. 66, as above.
WALPOLE, Horace.
Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third. By Mr. Horace Walpole . . . The Second Edition. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1768.
4to. 76 leaves, 2 engraved plates including the frontispiece by Grignion after Vertue.
Lowndes V, page 2821.
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 3/6 rel.
Horace (Horatio) Walpole, fourth Earl of Orford, 1717-1797, English author and wit. The first edition of this work was published earlier in the same year.

Volume I : page 149

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