Volume II : page 148

J. 132
Eusebii Evangelica preparatio et demonstratio. Gr. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 64. no. 182, as above.
Ευσεβιου του παμφιλου ευαγγελικης προγαρασκευης βιβ. πεντεκαιδεκα. Eusebii Pamphili Euangelicae præparationis Lib. XV. Ex Bibliotheca Regia--Eusebii Pamphili Euangelicæ demonstrationis Lib. X . . . ] Lvtetiæ: ex officina Rob. Stephani, m.d.xliiii. m.d.xlv. [colophon] m.d.xlvi . cal. April. [1544, 1545, 1546] [ unmatched bracket-- Ed.]
BR65 .E7
First Edition. Folio. 2 vol. in 1. 250 and 160 leaves collating in sixes, Greek letter, text in long lines, ruled in red, woodcut device on both title-pages, woodcut ornaments and initials.
Brunet II, 14.
Renouard, page 59, no. 12.
French calf, gilt back, colored fancy endpapers. Manuscript marginal notes in several hands. Ex libris Pougin c. Reg. written on the fly-leaf. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Eusebius, c. 260-340, ecclesiastical historian. This is the first book in which were used the Greek characters of Garamond, made by order of François I.
Theoriani, Leonis magni, Damasceni, Leontii & Harmenopuli disputationes. Gr. Lat. p. 8 vo.
Legatio imp. cæsaris Manvelis Comneni Avg. ad Armenios, sive Theoriani cvm Catholico disputatio, que imago pij de religione colloquij repræsentatur. Adivnximvs Leonis Magni Græcolatinam epistolam . . . Io. Damasceni contra Manichæos dialogum; Leontii Byzantini Sectarum historiam; Const. Harmenopvli de ijsdem; Fidei confessiones Harmenopuli, Augustini, Hilarij. Omnia nunc primum . . . de græcis latina faciente Levnclavio . . . Basileæ ex officina P. Pernæ, 1578.
First Edition. 8vo. 326 leaves, Greek and Latin text.
No copy was seen for collation.
J. 134
Whiston’s primitive Christianity. 5. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 69. no. 93, as above.
WHISTON, William.
Primitive Christianity reviv’d: In four volumes. Vol. I. Containing the Epistles of Ignatius . . . Vol. II. The Apostolical constitutions, in Greek and English. Vol. III. An Essay on those apostolical constitutions. Volume IV. An account of the primitive faith, concerning the Trinity and Incarnation. By William Whiston, M.A. . . .--Primitive Christianity reviv’d. Volume V. Containing the recognitions of Clement: or the travels of Peter. In ten books. Done into English by William Whiston, M.A. With a Preface, or preliminary discourse: as also two appendixes . . . London: Printed for the author, 1711, 1712.
BR165 .W55

Volume II : page 148

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