Volume I : page 148

Tyrrel’s hist. of England. 5. v. fol. 1399.
1815 Catalogue, page 20. no. 87, Tyrrel’s history of England,--1399, 5 v fol.
The General History of England, both Ecclesiastical and Civil; from the earliest accounts of Time, to the Reign of his present Majesty, King William III. Taken from the most ancient records, manuscripts, and printed historians . . . Vol I [-III]. London: [vol. I. and II.] Printed, and are to be sold by W. Rogers, R. Knaplock, A. Bell, and T. Cockerill, 1700 [vol. III. i.] for W. Rogers, J. Taylor, J. Nicholson and A. Bell, [ii] for W. Rogers, J. Taylor, J. Sprint and A. Bell, 1704.
DA30 .T992
3 vol. in 5. Folio. vol. I, 356 leaves, 4 folded printed tables, engraved frontispiece by M. Burghers; vol. II, 608 leaves; vol. III, 667 leaves; the titles vary according to the period covered.
Lowndes V, page 2734.
Hazlitt, IV, page 390.
James Tyrrell, 1642-1718, English historical writer, shared the political views of his friend John Locke, and wrote the General History of England to confute the monarchical opinions of Robert Brady (see the previous number). The first volume was originally issued in 1696, and reissued in 1700 with a new title-page. The other volumes in Jefferson’s copy were of the first edition. Tyrrell’s intention, as stated on the first title, had been to bring the history to the reign of William of III, but he died before completing the work which ends with the reign of Richard II.
History of Edw. II by E.F. written in 1627. fol. 1284-1307.
1815 Catalogue, page 18. no. 86, as above.
[CARY, Sir Henry, viscount falkland.]
The History of the Life, Reign, and Death of Edward II. King of England, and Lord of Ireland. With the Rise and Fall of his great Favourites, Gaveston and the Specners. Written by E. F. in the year 1627. and Printed verbatim from the Original . . . London: Printed by J. C. for Charles Harper, Samuel Crouch and Thomas Fox, 1680.
First Edition. Folio. 82 leaves; engraved portrait frontispiece, title-page printed in red and black.
Halkett and Laing III, page 85 (attributed to Edward Farrant).
Hazlitt, III, page 77.
STC F313.
Sir Henry Cary, Viscount Falkland, d. 1633, lord deputy of Ireland, states in his Preface, dated 20 Feb. 1627, and signed E.F., that he spent one month in writing this book.
Polydori Virgilii historia Angliae. 8 vo. 1060. A.C.-1538.
1815 Catalogue, page 19. no. 29, as above.
VERGILIUS, Polydorus.
Historiæ Anglicæ xxvii. Autore Polydoro Virgilio . . . Ex nova editione Antonii Thysii, J. C. Lugduni Batavorum: J. Maire, 1651.
8vo. 490 leaves; the date at the end is 1649.
Hazlitt IV, page 393.
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 4.0.
Polydore Vergil [Polydorus Vergilius], ?1470-1555, Italian historian who became a British subject by naturalization in 1510, was a close friend of King Henry VII at whose request this history was written. The first edition was printed in Basel in 1534, and dedicated to Henry

Volume I : page 148

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