Volume I : page 128
Le Philadelphien à Geneve. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 12. no. 134, as above.
[BRISSOT de WARVILLE, Jacques Pierre.]
Le Philadelphien à Genève, ou Lettres d’un Américain sur la dernière révolution de Genève, sa Constitution nouvelle, l’émigration en Irlande, &c. pouvant servir de tableau politique de Genève jusqu’en 1784 . . . Dublin [i.e. Carouge, Geneva], 1783.
First Edition. 112 leaves.
Not in Barbier.
Not in Sabin.
Quérard I, page 520.
Barth 3306.
Rivoire I, page 2631.
Jefferson’s copy was sent to him by the author. The postscript of a letter written to him from Paris December 27, 1786, reads: “Voulez vous bien accepter l’exemplaire d’un ouvrage que j’ai fait en faveur des Genevois il y a 3 ans et qui vous donnera quelque de leurs afaires.”
Jacques Pierre Brissot de Warville, 1754-1793, French journalist, social reformer, and revolutionary leader, was a friend and correspondent of Jefferson. He came to the United States before the French revolution on behalf of a group of French financiers, and was executed in 1793 after his return to France. This is the first edition of this work, which appeared in Geneva in August, and was followed by another edition with the same imprint.
Histoire de l’empire Othoman par le Prince Cantemir. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 11. no. 156, as above.
CANTEMIR, Dumitru, prince of moldavia.
Histoire de l’Empire Othoman, où se voyent les causes de son aggrandissement et de sa decadence. Avec des notes très-instructives. Par S. A. S. Demetrius Cantimir, Prince de Moldavie. Traduite en François par M. de Joncquières, Commandeur, Chanoine Régulier de l’Ordre Hospitalier du Saint Esprit de Montpellier. Tome I [-II]. Paris: chez Despilly, 1743.
DR439 .C23
First Edition of this translation. 2 vol. 4to. vol. I, 178 leaves; vol. II, 197 leaves; titles and half-titles printed in red and black, text in double columns, an engraved headpiece and initial by F. G. Scotin on the first page of dedication in vol. I.
Graesse II, page 38.
This edition not in Quérard.
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 10 f. Jefferson had either only one volume of this book, or had the two volumes bound together. His manuscript catalogues give no indication of more than one volume, nor do the Library of Congress catalogues which distinguish his collection.
Dumitru Cantemir, Prince of Moldavia, 1673-1723. This work, a source book for Ottoman history, was originally written in Latin. At the end of the second volume is an account of the life of the author, with a list of his writings.
De Joncquières, ?fl. 1743, of Montpellier, translator.
Pierre Nicolas Desmolets, 1678-1760, French priest. Desmolets edited this translation, and dedicated it to le comte de Noailles, from Paris, 22 December, 1742.
Tracts on the Turks. par Peysonnel & Volney. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 14. no. 135, as above.
i. PEYSONNEL, Charles de.
Lettre de M. de Peyssonnel, Ancien Consul-Général à Smyrne, ci-devant Consul de Sa Majesté auprès du Khan des Tartares, à M. le Marquis de N . . .
Volume I : page 128
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