Volume II : page 127

J. 83
Institution de la religion Chretienne de Calvin. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 65. no. 102, as above.
[ L’Institution de la Religion Chretienne. ? Geneve: Courteau, 1564.]
BX9420 .I6
8vo. Imperfect at the beginning, lacks the title-page; 574 leaves collating in eights; text ends on page 904 and is followed by Tables.
Old calf, some leaves cut into. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. i i and t i. On the blank leaf oo 8 is written: Edouardus Bouuritjius Cerus est possessor huius libri ad 1604 ad 28 Aprilis. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Jefferson wrote of Calvin in a letter to John Adams, dated from Monticello, April 11, 1823: “ The wishes expressed, in your last favor, that I may continue in life and health until I become a Calvinist, at least in his exclamation of ‘mon Dieu! jusque à quand’! would make me immortal. I can never join Calvin in addressing his god . he was indeed an Atheist, which I can never be; or rather his religion was Daemonism. if ever man worshipped a false god, he did. the being described in his 5. points is not the God whom you and I acknolege and adore, the Creator and benevolent governor of the world; but a daemon of malignant spirit. it would be more pardonable to believe in no god at all, than to blaspheme him by the atrocious attributes of Calvin . . .
This work was originally written in Latin, published in 1536, and was translated into French by Calvin himself.
J. 84
Dialogues Rustiques. 16 s.
1815 Catalogue, page 64. no. 46, as above.
[Dialogves Rvstiques]--Seconde partie Des Dialogves Rustiques. D’un Prestre de Village, d’un Berger, le Censier, sa Femme, le Voisin, un Peigneur desbauché, un Vieil Soldat cassé, un Marinier, un jeune Jesuite, & un Villageois Flameng. Tres-utile pour ceux qui demeurent és pays, où ils n’ont le moyen d’estre instruits par la predication de la Parole de Dieu. Par J. D. M. [? Paris, 1613.]
BX9453 .M35
12mo. 2 parts in 1. This copy is imperfect, lacks all before A 6 including the title-page. The last two leaves contain verses signed I. D. M.
Original vellum, label on the back lettered: Matthieu / Dialogues / Rustiques /. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I; with the autograph signature of Dabney Carr on the inside cover: Dabney Carr son Livre, and of John Martin on the back of the second title. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Dabney Carr, 1773-1837, [sic--ED.] was Jefferson’s brother-in-law, the husband of his sister, Martha Jefferson. Dabney Carr had a son of the same name, who was Jefferson’s nephew and the brother of Peter Carr, 1770-1815, letters to whom will be found in this catalogue.
J. 85
Instruction pour les Protestans par De la Forest. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 65. no. 40, Instructions pour les Protestants, par De la Foreot, 12mo.
Méthode d’Instruction pour ramener les Prétendus Réformes a l’Église Romaine, et confirmer les catholiques dans leur croyance. Par M. de La Forest, Custode-curé de Sainte-Croix de Lyon, docteur de la faculté de théologie de Paris, &c. A Paris: Rue & hôtel Serpente. A Lyon: chez Aimé de la Roche, 1784.
BX1750 .L2
12mo. 208 leaves.
Quérard IV, 419 (with date 1783).
French calf, gilt back, marbled endpapers, r.e. Not initialled by Jefferson. On the flyleaf is written in a contemporary hand: Miss Jefferson panthmont march 21 1787. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Martha Jefferson [Randolph] was educated at the convent Abbaye Royale de Panthmont, near Paris.

Volume II : page 127

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