Volume IV : page 396

Tome Premier, An IX, 1800; Tome Second et Tome Troisieme, An X and An XI, 1802; Tomes Quatrieme, Cinquieme et Septieme, An XI-XII, 1803; Tome Sixieme, An XII, 1804; Tomes Huitieme, Neuvieme et Dixieme, An XIII-XIV, 1805.
Le Manuel du Museum Français. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 131, no. 15, as above, 3v.
[TOULONGEON, François Emmanuel, Vicomte de.]
Manuel du Muséum Français, avec une description analytique et raisonnée de chaque tableau, indiqué au trait par une gravure à l’eau forte, tous classés par Écoles, et par Œuvre des grands artistes. Par F. E. T. M. D. L. I. N. A Paris: chez Treuttel et Würtz; et à Strasbourg, An X.-- 1802-1808.
N2030 .T7
8vo. 9 Livraisons and the Galerie de Saint-Bruno, unnumbered, bound in 3 volumes, separate title and half-title to each livraison, numerous engraved plates, full-page and folded; at the end of each livraison a Table within ornamental borders on tinted paper.
Barbier III, 49.
Quérard IX, 513.
According to the correspondence quoted below, Jefferson’s copy seems to have been purchased for him in four volumes. It was bound for him in three volumes by John March in August 1805, cost 1 dollar each volume, 3 dollars in all.
Jefferson bought his copy from Reibelt of Baltimore in May, 1805. His attention was first drawn to it in a letter from Reibelt dated from Baltimore, January 4, 1805: “Il vous plû, de recevoir a votre Bibliotheque les Annales du Museè des arts p. Landon--probablement vous aimerez aussi d’examiner, et de garder peut etre, le Manuel du Museum français. C’est dans cette supposition, que j’ose vous presenter cijoint les 4 premier N ros qui ont parus jusqu’ici (dont le prix est 8 gourdes:)--avec mes tres profonds respets.”
Jefferson wrote refusing the work on January 9: “ The Manuel of the Museum & Aldini with the engraving of the K. of Prussia & the map of the US. came safe to hand. as the Annals of the Museum & the Gallery will probably cover most of the same subjects, I decline taking the Manuel, as also Aldini. the engraving is not in a line in which I meddle. the Secretary of state keeps the map and will direct paiment. the other subjects are delivered to the stage office as a properer conveyance than the mail for which they are too bulky. altho’ privileged in the mail myself, it is at the expence of the public which pays the postage and which therefore it is my duty to restrain to it’s proper object of correspondence.
Reibelt replied on the following day, January 10: “J’ai l’honneur de repondre a votre billet du 9, qui m’a ete remis avanthier soir--

"1.) Je n’ai pas trouvè au stage les objets, que vous me renvoyez, savoir: . . . le Manuel du Museum, et Aldini--mais ils arriveront certainement . . .”
On April 30, Jefferson wrote to Reibelt for the book: “ On my return here I found the Plutarque de la jeunesse 4. vols. and the 5th vol. of the Plutarque d’ Amyot, of which I keep the former & return the latter. when I came to examine more at leisure the Annales des Beaux arts, I found it did not give a compleat idea of the gallery of Paris, & that I had been too hasty in returning the Manuel du Museum. if therefore this last remains still on hand I shall be glad to recieve it by the stage . . .
This was answered by Reibelt in a postscript to a letter dated from Baltimore on May 1: “je viens de recevoir votre lettre du 30--par la quelle je vois--que le Plutarque de la jeunesse vous convient.

"J’ai vendu--il y a quelques jours les derniers Exempl. du Manuel du Museum,--mais j’en attend, et je vous en enverrois par consequent l’exemplaire, que vous desirez, aussitot, que j’en aurois reçu . . .”
Four days later, on May 6, Reibeit again wrote, and added a postscript: “Ayant pû disposer un des Messieurs d’ici qui ”

Volume IV : page 396

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