Volume IV : page 395

Annales du Musee et des beaux Arts. par Landon 10. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 131, no. 14, as above, but omitting et.
LANDON, Charles Paul.
Annales du Musée et de l’École Moderne des Beaux-Arts. Recueil de Gravures au trait, d’après les principaux ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture ou projets d’Architecture, qui, chaque année, ont remporté le prix, soit aux écoles spéciales, soit aux concours nationaux; les productions des Artistes en tous genres, qui, aux différentes expositions, ont été citées avec éloges; les morceaux les plus estimés de la galerie de Peinture; la suite compléte de celle des Antiques; Edifices publics, etc. Rédigé par C. P. Landon, peintre, ancien pensionnaire de la République à l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts, à Rome; membre de l’Athénée des Arts, de la société Philotechnique, de celle libre des Sciences, Lettres, et Arts de Paris; et associé-correspondant de l’Athénée d’Alençon. Tome Premier [-Dixieme]. Prix 12 francs. A Paris: chez C. P. Landon, peintre, de l’Imprimerie de Didot Jeune, An ix.--1800 [-An xiv--1805.]
N7510 .L3
First Edition. 10 vol. 8vo. The titles and imprints vary, numerous engravings in outline by C. Normand and other engravers after various artists.
Quérard IV, 519.
Brunet III, 813.
Graesse IV, 95.
De Ricci-Cohen 397.
Jefferson made his original purchase of such parts of this work as had been published to date from Reibelt of Baltimore on December 24, 1804. Ten volumes were retained by Jefferson from a consignment of books which had been sent by Reibelt for his inspection and that of the Secretary of State.
The price of these volumes was 10 dollars. These books, and the continuations as purchased, with the prices, are entered in the various lists of his purchases from Reibelt made by Jefferson at that period.
Jefferson’s letter of December 24 to Reibelt listed the books he intended to retain and was answered by Reibelt on December 26: “. . . J’ai en meme tems l’honneur de vous en presenter mes remerciemens, et de vous avertir, que je ferai mettre demain a la post

"a) La Continuation des Annales du Museum des Arts anneè 4 me et 5 me--pour laquelle je vous ai debitè”
Jefferson acknowledged the receipt of the further volumes on January 18, 1805: “ La continuation de Landon vol( ~s ) 4. & 5. except some livraisons of the 5 th . . . came to hand, and I shall keep them . . .
On February 15, 1805, the first four volumes were bound for Jefferson by John March: “ 4 vols. 8vo. binding Annales des Beaux Arts plates difficult, calf, Gilt at 1.25 5.00
On January 20, 1806, an order for books to Reibelt from Jefferson included: “ Des Annales du Museum des Arts par Landon. No 14 et suivants du 5 me vol. et le suite ” and on June 16 of the same year (after Reibelt had given up his business) a bill from Dufour of Amsterdam for books bought for Jefferson included: “ Annales du Museum par Landon, 5 e volume n os 14 à 18, f. 3.10 idem volumes 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 cartonnes 42.10-
An undated bill from Reibelt, presumably sent at an earlier date than this, has for the firts [ sic -- Ed. ] entry: “ Tous les 5 Vol. Annales de Mus. des Arts p. Landon 25.00
A volume was bound by John March on October 7, 1806: “ To Binding 1 Annals D Musee. 0.37½
Charles Paul Landon, 1760-1826, French artist, studied in Rome where he lived for a number of years. After his return to Paris he was appointed curator of the pictures in the Musée. Jefferson appears to have ceased to buy his Annales in 1806, though the work continued to appear until 1810, and was then followed by a second collection. Each volumes contains 72 plates and accompanying text. Jefferson’s correspondence with his dealers would tend to prove that the work was issued in livraisons, though there is no intimation of this in the bibliographies, nor, as far as the Library of Congress copy is concerned, in the work itself. The Library of Congress copy, in 10 volumes as called for by Jefferson, was issued as follows:

Volume IV : page 395

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