Volume IV : page 32

Analysis of lectures on Natural philosophy by Atwood, 8 vo.
Not in the 1815 Catalogue.
The author is listed in the Index of the 1815 Catalogue, with reference to this chapter, but the book is not listed and there is no entry in the later Library of Congress catalogues.
The book is in the undated list written by Jefferson which included Middleton’s Life of Cicero , q.v., and others to be sent from London.
Mussenbrock Cours de Physique experimentale & mathematique. par Sigaud. 3. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 114, no. 25, as above, reading et for &.
Cours de Physique Experimentale et Mathematique, par Pierre van Mussenbroek, traduit par M. Sigaud de la Fond, démonstrateur de physique expérimentale, maître de mathématiques, de la Société Royale des Sciences de Montpellier, des Académies Royale des Sciences & Belles-Lettres d’Angers, Electorale de Bavier, &c. Tome Premier [-Troisieme]. A Paris: chez la veuve Savoye [de l’Imprimerie de Didot], m. dcc. lxix . Avec approbation, & privilege du Roi. [1769.]
QC19 .M96 1769
First Edition of this translation. 3 vol. 4to. 263, 257 and 254 leaves, 64 folded engraved plates, numbered, 25 in the first volume, 26 to 41 in the second, and 42 to 64 in the third; the last plate is a map of the world, showing North and South America; on the former is indicated only Terra de Laborador with Sinus Hudsoni and Terre neuf, Canada, Acadie, Nova Brittania, Virginia, Carolina, Florida, Louisiana with Sinus Mexicanus, Nova Mexico and California.
Quérard VI, 369.
Not in Phillips.
Entered in the undated manuscript catalogue with the price, 37-10.
Pieter van Musschenbroek, 1692-1761, Dutch natural philosopher, whose name is connected with the invention of the Leyden jar, was for many years professor of mathematics at Leyden University.
Jean René Sigaud de la Fond, 1740-1810, French physicist. For a work by him, see no. 845.
Lettres d’Euler de Physique et de Philosophie. par Condorcet. 3. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 113, no. 8, as above.
EULER, Leonhard.
Lettres de M. Euler à une Princesse d’Allemagne, sur différentes questions de Physique et de Philosophie. Nouvelle Édition, avec des additions par MM. le Marquis de Condorcet et De La Croix. Paris: Royez, 1787-9.
3 vol. Sm. 8vo., plates; no copy was seen for collation.
Quérard III, 43.
This edition not in Graesse.
Entered in Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price: 2. v. 12 mo. + 2-10 11-10.
Leonhard Euler, 1707-1783, Swiss mathematician, on the invitation of the Empress Catherine I, spent a number of years in St. Petersburg, where the first edition of this book, written at the request of the Princess of Anhalt-Dessau, appeared in 1768-1772. The edition of 1787-89, according to Quérard, “devait être accompagnée d’un quatrième volume de notes de Condorcet, et dont on fait peu de cas, parce qu’elle n’est point belle et que Condorcet y a supprimé plusieurs passages favorables à la religion chrétienne.” Euler was a close friend of Daniel Bernoulli, q.v.
For the Marquis de Condorcet, see the Index.
Silvestre François Lacroix, 1763-1843, French mathematician.

Volume IV : page 32

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