Volume IV : page 31

Derham’s Physico-and Astrotheology. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 113, no. 7, as above.
DERHAM, William.
Derham’s Physico and Astro theology: or, A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God. A New Edition in Two Volumes . . . London: Printed at the Logographic press, by J. Walter, and sold by J. Rivington and sons . . . J. Robson . . . and J. Sewell . . . 1786.
2 vol. 8vo. 384 and 214 leaves, 4 engraved plates, separate title-pages for each part; no copy was seen for collation.
This edition not in Lowndes, and not in Lalande.
Jefferson’s copy was from the library of Benjamin Franklin, purchased by him from N. G. Dufief, Philadelphia, in a letter dated from Washington, February 4, 1803: “ I recieved . . . last night your letter of Jan. 31. with Doct r. Franklin’s catalogue, which I have this morning sent to the chairman of the library-committee of Congress. I observe in it the following books

" Athenai Deipnosophistorium. fol.

" Philostratus works from the Greek. fol.

" Durham’s Physico and Astrotheology 8 vo. which I will ask the favor of you to send me with those you are about forwarding me . . .
Dufief replied on February 14: “. . . Aussitot la lecture de votre lettre j’ai fait mettre à part les trois ouvrages de votre choix--Je vous les adresserai à la première occasion favorable . . .”
The books were shipped on February 26 from Philadelphia on the sloop Harmony, and billed on March 1, price $ 3.00.
Jefferson had the book bound by John Marsh of Georgetown in calf, gilt, cost $2.00, billed on May 11, 1803.
William Derham, 1657-1735, English divine and natural philosopher. In 1711 and 1712 he delivered the Boyle lectures, which he published in 1713 with the title Physico-Theology . . . In 1715 appeared the first edition of Astro-Theology. Derham was a fellow of the Royal Society.
Martin’s Philosophia Britannica. 3. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 113, no. 6, as above.
MARTIN, Benjamin.
Philosophia Britannica; or, A New and Comprehensive System of the Newtonian Philosophy, Astronomy and Geography, in a course of Twelve Lectures, with Notes; containing the Physical, Mechanical, Geometrical, and Experimental Proofs and Illustrations of all the Principal Propositions in every Branch of Natural Science: also a Particular Account of the Invention, Structure, Improvement and Uses of all the Considerable Instruments, Engines and Machines, with New Calculations relating to their Nature, Power and Operation; the whole collected and methodized from all the Principal Authors, and Public Memoirs to the Present Year; and embellished with eighty-one copper-plates. By Benjamin Martin . . . The Second Edition . . . London: printed for M. Cooper, 1759-87.
3 vol. 8vo. 82 plates, some folded, titles of vol. I and II printed in red and black; vol. III is the fourth edition, printed for John, Francis, Charles Rivington [and others]; volume I contains a catalogue of the principal books made use of in the compilation. No copy was seen for collation.
This edition not in Lowndes and not in Gray.
Houzeau, page 21, no. 156.
Sotheran 11495.
The first edition was published in 1747.
See also no. 3726.

Volume IV : page 31

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