Volume IV : page 273
Aceytes, Resinas, Yervas, y Raìces medicinales; y sobre todo, se hallaràn convetsiones muy singulares à N. Santa Fé, y casos de mucha edificacion. Escrita por el Padre Joseph Gumilla, de la Compañia de Jesus, Missionero, y Superior de las Missiones del Orinoco, Meta, y Casanare, Calificador, y Consultor del Santo Tribunal de la Inquisicion de Cartagena de Indias, y Examinador Synodal del mismo Obispado, Provincial que fuè de su Provincia del Nuevo Reyno de Granada, y actual Procurador à entrambas curias por sus dichas Missiones, y Provincia. Segunda Impression, Revista, y Aumentada por su mismo Autor, y dividida en dos Partes. Tomo Primero [-Segundo.] En Madrid: por Manuel Fernandez, Impressor de el Supremo Consejo de la Inquisicion, y de la Reverenda Camara Apostolica, Año m.dcc.xlv . [1745.]
F2311 .G95 1745
2 vol. 4to. 228 and 216 leaves, folded engraved map by Paul Minguet after Gumilla, 2 engraved plates.
Sabin 29275.
Palau III, 433.
Boucher de la Richarderie VI, 208.
Backer III, 1949, 3.
Carayon 1354.
Medina 3376.
This edition not in Field.
Jefferson bought a copy of this work through William Carmichael. A copy is on the bill for Spanish books bought by Carmichael from Peter Lyonnet, and paid by Thomas Barclay, May 26, 1786, price 300.
It is entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue with the price 300 reale= 15. Dollars. The title is included in the list of books relative to Spanish America already in his possession, sent by Jefferson to Miguel Lardizabel y Uribe on July 6, 1787.
For a note on José Gumilla, see no. 4082.
Histoire naturel de Surinam par Fermin. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 221, as above.
FERMIN, Philippe.
Histoire Naturelle de la Hollande Equinoxiale: ou Déscription des Animaux, Plantes, Fruits, et autres Curiosités Naturelles, qui se trouvent dans la Colonie de Surinam; avec leurs Noms différents, tant François, que Latins, Hollandois, Indiens & Négre-Anglois. Par Philippe Fermin, Docteur en Medecine. A Amsterdam: chez M. Magérus, mdcclxv . [1765.]
QH125 .F3
First Edition. 8vo. 127 leaves, the last for the errata, title printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece and vignette on the title-page both by O. de Vries.
Sabin 24114.
Quérard III, 108.
Boucher de la Richarderie VI, 256.
Not in Field.
John Carter Brown 1450.
Tiele, page 83.
Entered by Jefferson on his undated manuscript catalogue with the price, 4.10.
Philippe Fermin, 1720-1790, Dutch doctor and naturalist, was born in Maestricht. In 1754 he went to Surinam where he remained for ten years. On his return to Holland he published this book, which was criticised as being too sketchy. He therefore enlarged it and republished it with a different title in 1769. See the next entry.
Description de Surinam par Philippe Fermin. 2. v. in 1. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 122, no. 220, as above, omitting Philippe.
FERMIN, Philippe.
Description Générale, Historique, Géographique et Physique de la Colonie de Surinam, contenant ce qu’il y a de plus Curieux & de plus Remarquable,
Volume IV : page 273
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