Volume IV : page 272

printed in red and black and an engraved vignette with the Royal Arms of Spain on each title-page, errata lists for the two parts, an engraved frontispiece by I s. á Palom o. in Volume I, at the head of each book (6 in Part I and 3 in Part II), an engraving by Moreno, folded engraved plates and maps in each volume by Moreno, Vicente de la Fuente, I s. á Palom o. and others, woodcut tail-pieces throughout.
Sabin 36811.
Boucher de la Richarderie VI, 330.
Palau IV, 141.
Medina 3464.
Salvá II, 3780.
This edition not in Field.
John Carter Brown 879.
Jorge Juan y Santacilia, 1713-1773, and Antonio de Ulloa, 1716-1795, Spanish scientists, were appointed by Philip of Spain to accompany the expedition of the French Académie des Sciences to measure a degree in the equinoctial countries of Peru. Some of their results were published in this work which was reprinted many times, and translated into English, French and Dutch. For Jefferson and Ulloa, see no. 4123 and for other works relating to the same expedition, see no. 4126 by the same authors, and La Condamine, no. 4146.
Observaciones Astronomicas y Physicas por Juan y de Ulloa. p. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 125, no. 288, as above. fol.
JUAN Y SANTACILIA, Jorge--ULLOA, Antonio de.
Observaciones astronomicas y phisicas, hechas de orden de S. M. en los Reynos del Peru, por D. Jorge Juan y Santacilia, Comendador (que fue) de Aliaga, en el Orden de S. Juan, Capitan de la Compañia de Cavalleros Guardias Marinas, Director del Real Seminario de Nobles, del Consejo de S. M. en su Real Junta de Comercio y Moneda, de la Real Sociedad de Londres, de la Real Academia de las Ciencias de Berlin, Correspondiente de la de Paris, Consiliario de la de S. Fernando, y Embaxador extraordinario á la Corte de Marruecos: y D. Antonio de Ulloa, Comendador de Ocaña en la de Santiago, de la Real Sociedad de Londres, y de las Reales Academias de las Ciencias de Stockolmo y Berlin: ambos Gefes de Esquadra de la Real Armada. De las quales se deduce la figura y magnitud de la Tierra, y se aplica á la Navegation. Corregidas y enmendadas por el Autor. Com [ sic -- Ed. ] Permiso Superior. En Madrid: en la Imprenta Real de la Gazeta. Año de mdcclxxiii . [1773.]
Folio. 234 leaves including the half-title, engraved frontispiece by Palomino, engraved vignette on the title, engraved head-piece, and engraved plates by Vincente de la Fuente, printed tables, title printed in red and black. Only a microfilm copy was available for examination.
Sabin 36809.
Palau IV, 141.
Medina 4610.
John Carter Brown 1885.
This work was included in the list of books relative to Spanish Americana already in his possession sent by Jefferson to Lardizabel y Uribe on July 6, 1787.
Ulloa was the author of the historical relation; the astronomical part was by Juan y Santacilia. The work relates to La Condamine’s expedition, and was first printed in 1748. For other works relative to the same expedition, see the Index.
El Orinoco illustrado por Gumilla. 2. v. p 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 122, no. 219, as above.
El Orinoco Ilustrado, y Defendido, Historia Natural, Civil, y Geographica de este Gran Rio, y de sus Caudalosas Vertientes: Govierno, Usos, y Costumbres de los Indios sus habitadores, con nuevas, y utiles noticias de Animales, Arboles, Frutos,

Volume IV : page 272

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