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now considered the classic account of the conquest of Mexico.
Friar Alonso Rémon, fl. 1616-1632, is said to have edited the text and published the work to gain glory for the Order of Mercy, to which he belonged, by magnifying the missionary efforts in Mexico of Bartolomé de Olmedo, of the same Order, who accompanied Cortés in the conquest. A second issue of this work was published in the same year, with an additional chapter; it is not known which of these issues was in the Jefferson collection. The work has been translated into English at various times. The last edition in English, by the Limited Editions Club, has a historical preface.
Historia de la Conquista de Mexico por de Solis. 2. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 254, as above.
SOLIS, Antonio de.
Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, poblacion y progresos de la America Septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva España. Escribiala Don Antonio de Solis, Secretario de Su Magestad, y su Cronista Mayor de las Indias. Tomo I. [-II.] En Madrid: en la Imprenta de D. Antonio de Sancha, Año de m.dcc.lxxxiii. [-m.dcc.lxxxiv.] Se hallará en su Librería en la Aduana vieja. [1783-84.]
2 vol. 4to. Illustrated with maps and plates; no copy of this edition was available for collation.
Sabin 86465.
Palau VI, 530.
John Carter Brown 2912.
Jefferson owned a copy of this edition before July 6, 1787, on which day he sent to Miguel de Lardizabel y Uribe a list of books on the subject of Spanish Americana already in his possession.
For a note on Antonio de Solis, see no. 4080.
Historia de Nueva España por Hernan Cortes. p fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 285, as above, fol.
CORTÉS, Hernando-- LORENZANA Y BUTRON, Francisco Antonio.
Historia de Nueva-España, escrita por su Esclarecido Conquistador Hernan Cortes, aumentada con otros Documentos, y Notas, por il Ilustrissimo Señor Don Francisco Antonio Lorenzana, Arzobispo de Mexico. Con las Licencias Necesarias. En México: en la Imprenta del Superior Gobierno, del Br. D. Joseph Antonio de Hogal, Año de 1770.
F1230 .C82
Folio. 228 leaves, engraved emblematic device by Emmanuel Villavicencio on the title-page, title printed in red and black, engraved frontispiece by Navarro, engraved emblematic initial, engraved folded map, Plano de la Nueva España, by Dn. Jph. Anto. de Alzate y Ramirez, ano de 1769, including Mexico, Florida and California, engraved folded map of California, Domingo del Castillo Piloto me Fecit en Mexico año . . . M.D.XLI, folded engraved plate by Navarro of El Grande Templo de Mexico, 31 full-page copperplates of a Mexico codex, the first 13 unnumbered, the remainder numbered 15 to 32, preceded by a half-title Cordillera de los Pueblos, que antes de la Conquista pagaban Tributo á el Emperador Muctezuma, y en que especie, y Cantidad.
Sabin 16938.
Palau II, 313.
Not in Salvá.
Wagner 152.
Not in Field.
John Carter Brown 1750.
Jefferson tried over a period of years, from 1791 to 1796, to obtain a copy of this book. He first mentioned his desire for a copy, in a letter dated from Philadelphia, April 11, 1791, to Colonel David Humphreys, at the time acting as secret agent for the American government in Lisbon: “ There has been published at Madrid, by some bishop who had been to Mexico, & found there an original collection of the letters of Cortez, a book containing those letters. I do not know how it happened that I did

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