Volume IV : page 265

Histoire general des Indes Occidentales traduites par Fumée p 8 vo. Paris 1584. [From the same original as the Historia dell’ India of the preceding collection.]
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 87, Histoire General des Indes Occidentales, traduite par Fumée, p 8vo Paris, 1565, 1584.
Histoire Generalle des Indes Occidentales, et Terres neuues, qui iusques à present ont esté descouuertes, augmentée en ceste cinquiesme edition de la description de la nouuelle Espagne, & de la grande ville de Mexicque, autrement nommee Tenuctilan, Composee en Espagnol par François Lopez de Gomara, & traduite en François par le S. de Genillé Mart. Funée. [ sic -- Ed. ] A Paris: chez Michel Sonnius, m. d. lxxxiiii . Avec Privilege dv Roy. [1584.]
8vo. 508 leaves. No copy of this edition was seen for collation.
Sabin 27748.
Palau IV, 265.
Medina I, page 272.
John Carter Brown 357.
Wagner 2jj.
A copy is similarly entered by Jefferson on his undated manuscript catalogue.
“This edition contains an abstract of the Conquista de Mexico of López de Gómara, beginning with chapter 15. Chapter 101, the last of this extract, contains a résumé of the character of Cortés taken from the original Spanish edition, without abridgment, except that the last sentence is omitted. This translation differs from that of Breton in 1588. The first part is very complete, being without abridgment; in fact, some phrases of explanation are added. It is the same as that published in the original Sonnius edition of 1568.”--Wagner.
Martin Fumée, Sieur de Genillé, French author. In the first edition of the translation into French, printed in Paris in 1568, and in all the subsequent editions until this one of 1584, the name of the translator reads correctly “M. Fumée Sieur de Marly de Chastel,” who was the nephew of the Sieur Genillé. The edition of 1587 follows that of 1584.
The date 1565 in the entry in the Library of Congress catalogue of 1815 refers to the “Historia dell’ India of the preceding collection” in Jefferson’s manuscript, see no 4114.
Historia de la Conquista de la Nueva España por Bernal Diaz del Castillo. p. fol. Madrid. 1632.
1815 Catalogue, page 123, no. 284, as above, but omitting p.
Historia verdadera de la Conqvista de la Nueva-España. Escrita por el Capitan Bernal Diaz del Castillo, uno de sus Conquistadores. Sacada a Lvz por el P. M. Fr. Alonso Remon, Predicador, y Coronista General del Orden de Nuestra Señora de la Merced Redempcion de Cautivos. A la Catholica Magestad del Mayor Monarca Don Felipe Qvarto, Rey de las Españas, y Nuevo Mundo, N. Señor. Con Privilegio. En Madrid: en la Imprenta del Reyno, Año de 1632.
F1230 .D529
First Edition, First Issue. Folio. 266 leaves, printed in double columns.
Sabin 19978.
Palau III, 49.
Medina 898.
Jefferson bought a copy from Froullé in Paris, on April 17, 1789, price 24. It is entered by him on his undated manuscript catalogue, without price.
Bernal Diaz del Castillo, c1492-c1584, was a soldier in the army of Cortés, and in his old age wrote what is

Volume IV : page 265

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