Volume IV : page 256

annotationibus illustratæ, suóque nitori restitutæ, labore & industria Richardi Haklvyti Oxoniensis Angli. Additus est in vsum lectoris accuratus totius operis index. Parisiis: Apud Gvillelmvm Avvray, m. d. lxxxvii . Cum priuilegio Regis. [1587.]
E141 .A56
Sm 8vo. 328 leaves, printer’s woodcut device on the title-page, text printed in italic letter, Epistola, Index and side notes in roman. The copy in the Library of Congress is without the map of the world (the earliest map in which the name of Virginia appears).
Sabin 1552.
John Carter Brown 370.
Church 133.
Jefferson purchased a copy from Froullé in Paris on April 25, 1789, price 6.
Pietro Martire d’Anghiera [Peter Martyr], 1455-1526, an Italian by birth, became tutor in 1494 to the children of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. He was a friend and contemporary of Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Cortés, Magellan, Cabot and Vespuccius, and was the first writer to notice in his works the discovery of the New World by Columbus. For an account of him, see the Church Catalogue, I, page 1511.
For Richard Hakluyt, see no. 4007.
Bartholomeo de las Casas del imperio soberano que los reyes de Castilla tienen sobre las Indias. p 4 to. 1552.
1815 Catalogue, page 121, no. 202, Bartolomeo de las Casas del imperio soberano sobre las Indias, p 4to, 1552.
CASAS, Bartolomé de las.
Tratado cõprobatorio del Imperio soberano y principado vniuersal que los Reyes de Castilla y Leon tienen sobre las indias: compuesto por el Obispo don fray Bartholome de las Casas/o Casaus de la orden de Sancto Domingo. Año 1552. [Colophon:] . . . Fue impressa la presente obra en la muy noble et muy leal ciudad de Seuilla en casa de Sebastiã Trugillo impressor de libros. Acabosse a ocho dias del mes de Enero. Año. 1553.
F1411 .C36
First Edition. Sm. 4to. Tract no. 9. 80 leaves, title in red and black, with the Royal Arms lettered P V, within a woodcut border in compartments, text printed in gothic letter.
Sabin 11231.
Palau II, 82.
Winsor II, 335.
Medina 156.
Antonio I, page 192.
Salvá II, 3283.
Harrisse, Notes on Columbus, page 23, no. 8.
Field 869.
John Carter Brown 172.
Church 96.
Jefferson bought a copy from Froullé in Paris on April 17, 1789, price 18. It is entered without price in his undated manuscript catalogue.
Bartolomé de las Casas, 1474-1566, “The Apostle of the Indies” and the first priest ordained in the American colonies, was born in Seville. He first visited America in 1498 in an expedition under Columbus. In 1511 he went to Cuba, and spent a large part of his life in trying to improve the condition of the Indians under the Spaniards. In Seville in 1552 and 1553 Las Casas printed the series of nine tracts which is our principal source of information in regard to his allegations against the Spanish oppressors of the Indians. For an account of Las Casas and these tracts, see the Church Catalogue I, page 198.
Bartolomeo de las Casas. Istoria della destruzione dell’ Indie Occidentali. Span. Ital. p 4 to. Venezia. 1626.
1815 Catalogue, page 121, no. 203, as above, but reading destruzzionne.
CASAS, Bartolomé de las.
Istoria ò breuissima relatione della Distrvttione dell’ Indie Occidentali di Monsig. Reverendiss. Don Bartolomeo dalle Case, ò Casaus, Siuigliano Vescouo

Volume IV : page 256

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