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cated to the High Court of Parlament now assembled. By Lewes Roberts, Merchant, and Captaine of the City of London. London: Printed by E. P. for Nicholas Bourne, and are to be sold at his Shop at the South Entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1641.
HF3505.4 .R67
First Edition. 4to. 64 leaves.
Lowndes IV, 2104.
Sabin 71910.
Palgrave III, 315.
McCulloch, page 38.
STC R1602.
Lewes Roberts, 1596-1640, merchant and captain of the City of London, and a member of the East India Company and of the Levant Company of Merchants, wrote this book for the encouragement and state control of commerce, and it is one of the earliest to notice the cotton manufacture of Manchester. References to the West Indies occur, and on pages 82 and 83 is an account of the inception of the voyages of Columbus and of Sebastian Cabot.
11. [BETHEL, Slingsby.]
The World’s Mistake in Oliver Cromwell; or, A short Political Discourse, shewing, that Cromwell’s Mal-administration, (during his Four Years, and Nine Moneths pretended Protectorship,) layed the Foundation of our present Condition, in the Decay of Trade. London: Printed in the Year mdclxviii . [1668.]
DA427 .B56
First Edition. 4to. 12 leaves.
Halkett and Laing, VI, 260.
Lowndes I, 560.
STC B2079.
Not in the Term Catalogues.
Slingsby Bethel, 1617-1697, English republican, was opposed to the cavaliers, but disapproving of the conduct of the Protector. On page 8 is mentioned Cromwell’s mistakes with regard to the West Indies.
12. COKE, Roger.
A Treatise Wherein is demonstrated, that the Church and State of England, are in Equal Danger with the Trade of it . . . By Roger Coke. London: Printed by J. C. for Henry Brome, and Robert Horn, 1671.
DA432 1671 .C7
First Edition. 4to. 2 treatises in 1 volume, together 90 leaves, continuous signatures and pagination, separate titles.
Not in Lowndes.
STC C4984.
See Sabin 14241.
McCulloch, page 40.
Roger Coke, fl. 1696, English political writer, was the grandson of Sir Edward Coke. The first treatise in this book is dedicated to his most honoured kinsman John Coke Esq. and the dedication is followed by a Preface to the Reader, and an Admonition to the Reader. The second treatise, entitled Reasons of the Increase of the Dutch Trade, is dedicated to The Great example of Vertue, Sir Charles Harbord. In the first treatise references occur to Greenland, Newfoundland, and the West Indies. Two more treatises in the same series were published by the author in 1675.
Almanac Americain de 1784. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 121, no. 70, as above.
Almanach Américain, ou État Physique, Politique, Ecclésiastique et Militaire de l’Amérique. Ouvrage qui comprend les forces, la population, les Loix le Commerce & l’Administration de chaque Province de cette partie du monde; le Tableau de ceux qui y figurent par leurs charges & par leurs Dignités; celui de la Marine des Peuples Européans qui y ont des possessions, & le nom des Officiers qui sont

Volume IV : page 234

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