Volume IV : page 233

of our Plantations there; which Petition is approved by 70 able English Divines. Also by Master Alexander Henderson, and some other worthy Ministers of Scotland. [ London:] Printed in the yeare, 1641.
E143 .C33
First Edition. 4to. 9 leaves, the first (probably blank) lacing in the two copies examined.
STC C1230.
Sabin 11397.
John Carter Brown II, 485.
Church 449.
William Castell, the author of this petition, became rector of Courtenhall in Northamptonshire in 1627. He died on July 4, 1645. The petition is underwritten by thirty Ministers of London, fifteen ministers of “severall other Counties”, twenty-five “other worthy Ministers of the Diocesse of Peterburrough, where the Petitioner liveth,” and by six Ministers of Scotland. The tract is reprinted in the first volume of the Force Tracts.
8. The Treaty of Peace between the Crowns of France & Spain. Concluded and Signed by his Eminency Cardinal Mazarin and Dom Lewis Mendez de Haro, Plenipotentiaries of their most Christian and Catholick Majesties, the Seventh of November, 1659. Printed in Paris by His Majesties Command, and now faithfully rendred into English. London: Printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to be sold by G. Bedell and T. Collins, at their Shop at the Middle Temple-Gate, 1660.
JX191 .1659
First Edition in English. 4to. 22 leaves.
STC F2053.
This treaty, known as the Treaty of the Pyrenees, brought to an end the unsatisfactory war between France and Spain, and was forced on Spain by the consequences of the loss of her alliance with Oliver Cromwell in 1657. One of the conditions of the Peace was the marriage of Louis XIV and Maria Theresa.
9. [PETTY, Sir William.]
A Treatise of Taxes & Contributions. Shewing the Nature and Measures of Crown-Lands. Assessements. Customs. Poll-Moneys. Lotteries. Benevolence. Penalties. Monopolies. Offices. Tythes. Raising of Coins. Harth-Money. Excize, &c. With several intersperst Discourses and Digressions concerning Warres. The Church. Universities. Rents & Purchases. Usury & Exchange. Banks & Lombards. Registries for Conveyances. Beggars. Ensurance. Exportation of {Money Wool}. Free-Ports. Coins. Housing. Liberty of Conscience, &c. The same being frequently applied to the present State and affairs of Ireland. London: Printed for N. Brooke, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1662.
HJ1012 .P4
First Edition. 4to. 47 leaves, the last for the list of Errata.
Halkett and Laing, VI, 87.
Not in Lowndes.
Palgrave III, 99.
McCulloch 318 (not this edition).
STC P1938.
Sir William Petty, 1623-1687, English political economist. McCulloch describes this work as “one of the most remarkable of the early tracts in any branch of political economy.” For other works by Petty, see no. 2937 and 3042.
10. ROBERTS, Lewes.
The Treasure of Traffike. Or A Discourse of Forraigne Trade. Wherein is shewed the benefit and commoditie arising to a Common-Wealth or Kingdome, by the skilfull Merchant, and by a well ordered Commerce and regular Traffike. Dedi-

Volume IV : page 233

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