Volume IV : page 207

2 vol. 8vo. 214 and 218 leaves, engraved map (wanting in the copy collated), plate of the Cohoes Fall, and 5 natural history plates.
Sabin 36989.
John Carter Brown 1828.
Boucher de la Richarderie VI, 5.
Gagnon 1849.
This edition not in Staton and Tremaine.
Morgan, page 209.
Pehr Kalm, 1716-1779, Swedish botanist, travelled in America between 1748 and 1751 at the instance of Linnaeus, and under the auspices of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences. The first entry in this journal of his travels is dated August the 5th, 1748 and the last October 5th, 1749. The journal was written in Swedish and first published in Stockholm in 1753. The first English translation by Johann Reinhold Forster was published by Lowndes in London in 1770-1771. The translation is dedicated by Forster to Daines Barrington, for whom see the Index of this Catalogue.
Johann Reinhold Forster, 1727-1798, German mineralogist, spent much of his life in England and visited Canada for the purpose of studying the mines, in 1732.
Maese’s Picture of Philadã. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 125, no. 74, as above, Philadelphia not abbreviated.
MEASE, James.
The Picture of Philadelphia, giving an Account of its Origin, Increase and Improvements in Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, Commerce and Revenue. With a compendious View of its Societies, Literary, Benevolent, Patriotic, & Religious, its Police-the Public Buildings-the Prison and Penetentiary System-Institutions, Monied and Civil-Museum. By James Mease, M.D. Philadelphia: Published by B. & T. Kite, for sale by them and Joseph Delaplaine, 1811.
F158.44 .M4
First Edition. 12mo. 194 leaves, folded engraved plate as frontispiece by S. Seymour, representing Philadelphia taken from Kensington, list of errata at the end, and of Subscribers’ names on 18 pages, printer’s imprint at the foot of the last page.
Sabin 47268.
The subscribers’ names include Thomas Jefferson, late P.U.S. (the only name from Virginia), and many other names to be found in this Catalogue, namely Anthony Benezet, William Currie, William Duane, Oliver Evans, Elbridge Gerry, Benjamin Rush, Albert Gallatin, and a number of others. The author cites the names of books he has used as source material, including many in this Catalogue. Benjamin Franklin is mentioned a number of times, Jefferson only once, as President of the American Philosophical Society.
James Mease, 1771-1846, was a native of Philadelphia. For other books by him in this Catalogue, see the Index.
Coxe’s account of Carolina. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 122, no. 191, as above.
COXE, Daniel.
A Description of the English Province of Carolana. By the Spaniards call’d Florida, and by the French, La Louisiane. Viz. I. A Description of the great and famous River Meschacebe, or Missisipi. II. A Description of the Countries, People, Rivers, Bays, Harbours and Islands, to the East of Meschacebe. III. A Description of the Sea Coast, the large Rivers; their Heads and Courses, to the West of Meschacebe. IV. A Description of the Five great Seas or Lakes of fresh Water. V. A new and curious Discovery of an easy Communication between the River Meschacebe and the South-Sea, which separates America from China, by means of several large Rivers and Lakes; with a Description of the said Sea, to the

Volume IV : page 207

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