Volume IV : page 170

scriptum. Omnia recens evulgata, & eiconibus in æs incisis ac ad vivum expressis illustrata, ad normam exemplaris prædictorum Autorum: studio & diligentia Theodori de Brÿ Leodiensis, atque civis Francofurtensis anno m d xcii . Venales reperiūtur in officina Theodori de Bry. [1592.]
164 leaves, engraved title within an historated [ sic -- Ed. ] architectural border, engraved arms of the County Palatine on the leaf of dedication, engraved full-page plate with seven coats of arms and six female figures representing the Virtues, folded engraved map of South America, Central America and Florida, 34 half-page engraved plates; engraved title for Navigatio in Brasiliam Americae, within the same architectural border, the full-page plate of Adam and Eve, 10 half-page engraved plates; the text includes vocabularies, and lines of musical notation.
John Carter Brown 400.
Church 148.
Contains 1. The account of two voyages made to Brazil, 1546-1548 and 1549-1555, by Johann von Staden. This was originally written in German and translated into Latin by Adam Lonicer. 2. An account of the voyage to Brazil in 1556-1558 by Jean de Léry. Originally written in French and translated into Latin by the author.
Part IV

Americae Pars Qvarta. Sive, Insignis & Admiranda Historia de reperta primùm Occidentali India à Christophoro Columbo Anno m. ccccxcii . Scripta ab Hieronymo Bezono Mediolanense, qui istic ānis xiiii. Versatus, diligēter omnia observavit. Addita ad singula ferè capita, non contemnenda scholia, in quibus agitur de earum etiam gentium idololatria. Accessit præterea illarum Regionum Tabula chorographica. Omnia elegantibus figuris in aes incisis expressa à Theodoro de Bry Leodiense, cive Francofurtensi Anno cIɔ Iɔ xciiii. Ad Invistis. Rudolphus II. Rom. Imperator. Cum privilegio S. C. Maiestat. [1594.]
104 leaves, title within an engraved historiated pictorial border, followed by a leaf with the seven coats of arms as in Part III, the next 2 leaves ( Ad Lectorem and Epigramma Iani Iacobi Boissardi Vesvntini ) with half page plates, Columbus being led by marine deities and Americae Retectio, engraved folded map of the West Indies, the engraved title repeated before the plates, 24 numbered plates with text in italic letter.
John Carter Brown 401.
Church 153.
“This Part contains the beginning of Girolamo Benzoni’s Historia del Mondo Nuouo . The remainder was published in the Parts V. and VI. Benzoni’s work was first published in Italian at Venice in 1565. It was translated into Latin by Urbain Chauveton, who also gave an account of the French expedition to Florida. He also translated the work into French. De Bry has followed Chauveton’s translation which was published at Geneva in 1578, and has added to it Latin translations of some of the notes which appeared in the French edition.”--Church Catalogue.
Part V

Americæ Pars Qvinta. Nobilis & admiratione plena Hieronymi Bezoni Mediolanensis, secundæ sectionis Hia: Hispanorum, tum in Nigrittas seruos suos, tum in Indos crudelitatem, Gallorumq 3 piratarū de Hispanis toties reportata spolia; Aduentū item Hispanorū in Nouam Indiæ continentis Hispaniam, eorumq 3 contra incolas eius regionis sæuitiam explicans. Addita ad singula fere Capita scholia, in quibus res Indiæ luculenter exponuntur. Accessit præterea Tabula Chorographica Nouæ Hispaniæ in India Occidentali. Ad Invictis Rvdolph.

Volume IV : page 170

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