Volume IV : page 140

Voiages et descouvertes des Russes par Muller. 2. v. in 1. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 120, no. 38, as above.
MÜLLER, Gerhard Friedrich.
Voyages et Découvertes faites par les Russes le long des côtes de la Mer Glaciale & sur l’Océan Oriental, tant vers le Japon que vers l’Amérique. On y a joint l’Histoire du Fleuve Amur et des pays adjacens, depuis la conquête des Russes; avec la Nouvelle Carte qui présente ces Découvertes & le cours de l’Amur, dressée sur des mémoires authentiques, publiée par l’Académie des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg, & corrigée en dernier lieu. Ouvrages traduits de l’ Allemand de M r. G. P. Muller, par C. G. F. Dumas. Tome I. [-II.] A Amsterdam: chez Marc Michel Rey, m d c c lxvi . [1766.]
G680 .M94
First Edition of this translation. 2 vol. 12mo. 200 and 118 leaves, large folded engraved map by L. Schenk, 1765.
Quérard VI, 356.
Sabin 51285.
Jefferson’s copy was bound in 1 volume; it is so entered by him in his dated and his undated manuscript catalogues, in the latter with the price, 4.4.
Gerhard Friedrich Müller, 1705-1783, German traveller and historian, was appointed secretary to the newly founded academy at St. Petersburg soon after leaving college. He accompanied Gmelin and Delisle de la Croyère in their travels in Siberia, became historiographer to the Russian empire, was secretary to the Academy of Sciences, and held other important positions. He was a member of the Royal Society of London.
Charles Guillaume Frédéric Dumas, 1725-1780, born in Holland of French parents, made this translation while editor of the Bibliothèque des Sciences et des Arts .
Voiages d’Olearius et de Mandelslo. trad. par Wicquefort. 2. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 120, no. 240, as above.
Relation dv Voyage d’Adam Olearivs en Moscovie, Tartarie, et Perse, avgmentée de cette Novvelle Edition de plus d’vn tiers, & particulierement d’vne seconde Partie Contenant le Voyage de Iean Albert de Mandelslo avx Indes Orientales. Traduit de l’ Allemand par A. de Wicqvefort, Resident de Brandebourg. Tome Premier. [-Second.] A Paris: chez Iean dv Pvis, m. dc. lxvi . Avec Privilege dv Roy. [1666.]
First Edition of this translation. 2 vol. 4to. 361 and 345 leaves, woodcut device of Du Puis on both titles; the second title differs from the first and begins Svite de la Relation dv Voyage en Moscovie . . .
Quérard VI, 478.
Graesse V, 18.
This edition not in Wilson.
Entered by Jefferson on his undated manuscript catalogue with the price, 4.
Adam Oelschläger [Olearius], 1600-1671, German orientalist and traveller, was sent by the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp as secretary to his embassy to the Czar of Russia, and to the Shah of Persia, to open up trading relations. His Beschreibung der muscowitischen und persischen Reise was first published in Schleswig in 1747, and was translated into French and other languages.
Johann Albrecht von Mandelslo, 1616-1644, German traveller, was page to the Duke, and was authorized to leave the embassy in Persia, and to travel in the Far East. His return to Europe was made via the Cape of Good Hope.

Volume IV : page 140

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